Convertator is a free equation calculator that can calculate mathematical expressions. You can also include units in the equations, and Convertator will convert them automatically. You can also choose the units of the result. For example, you can use both feet and inches in an equation to add 2 numbers, and see results in meters.
Other calculators that we reviewed earlier include: Free Windows Calculator Replacement, Free Amortization Schedule Calculator, and auto payment calculator.
Convertator will convert Convertator includes mathematical, trignometric, and logical operators. It maintains complete equation history, and supports multiple bases like binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.
Here are some of the features of Convertator:
- Convertator maintains equation history.
- Convertator comes with built-in bases, that include: binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.
- Convertator also supports dotted decimals for network addresess.
- Lot of equations are built-in that you can direcly use, like, Area of circle, Volume of sphere.
- You can use trignometric, mathematical, and logic operators in your equations.
Convertator is a really full featured free mathematical calculator, that has left me quite amazed. This is even more feature rich than MagicPlot free that we reviewed earlier.