Scan and Update Outdated Drivers using IOBit’s Driver Booster

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IOBit’s Driver Booster is a free tool that scans your system and identifies the old and out-dated drivers that your system has. It then, downloads the latest drivers for them and installs with just one click. Out dated drivers often result in poor performance of the system and may lead to hardware failure. IObit’s Driver Booster automatically searches for outdated drivers in the system and connects to manufacturer’s website to update the outdated drivers to ensure the smoothest possible performance of the system.

Installing Driver Booster is very easy and this is how it looks after installation. It scans your system for all the installed drivers when you first start Driver Booster and then shows you the drivers which are obsolete and automatically updates the drivers from the manufacturer’s website or if you choose, you can update them yourself.

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Driver Booster is designed to tweak the drivers for the optimal performance for gaming. It can prevent your system from hardware failures, conflicts and system crashes. Driver Booster can undertake a routine scanning schedule varying from daily to weekly to monthly which can be set according to the user. You can do this under scan option in Settings.

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Driver Booster saves the downloaded drivers executable to a defined location, the default is in the installation directory itself but it can be changed as per user’s requirement. This enables you to save all the drivers under same folder, just to keep a well maintained backup folder for all your new drivers. One major option that Driver Booster provides is that, it automatically creates a restore point before installation of new downloaded drivers, so that you have a backup just in any case if it is required. You can change this setting under Drivers menu.

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Key Features of Driver Booster:

  • Easy to use and User friendly GUI.
  • Takes minimal amount of memory and storage space.
  • Ensures up to date drivers.
  • Free to download.
  • Fast start up.
  • User can schedule the driver scan.
  • It has a restore point that keeps the backup at all point of time.
  • Can be launched automatically at start up.

Overall Review:

Driver Booster is a nice to have tool as it gives you the details about the outdated drivers. You will get the information about all the installed drivers under one window, if it is out dated, you can update them with just one click. However, you also have an option to update your drivers as and when required, as most of the drivers have an option to auto update or they give you a notification whenever an update is available, so that you can update it whenever you want. Driver Booster simply makes your work easy. Get Driver Booster and let us know how it is.

Works With: Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
Free/Paid: Free

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