5 Free Websites To Learn Palindromes Online

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Here is a list of 5 free websites to learn Palindromes online. In simple words, Palindromes are those words that read the same from both directions. For example, the word EYE is a palindrome, for it remains same from both ends. Similarly, there are many more palindrome words, phrases, and numbers that we come across. Such words, phrases, and numbers are compiled together and listed on these websites that I have reviewed below for you.

Along with learning palindromes on these websites, you can also test your knowledge. There are palindrome puzzles, or quizzes that let you test whatever you have learned. These are not available on each website, but on a few of them. Let us go through them.

The 5 websites reviewed in this article are Palindrome List, NIH, Fun-With-Words, Enchanted Learning, and Poetry Soup.

Palindrome List:

learn palindromes online

The first website to learn palindromes online is Palindrome List. As it can be guessed from the name of the website, it is solely meant for learning palindromes online. The list contains both palindrome words and phrases. These palindromes are divided into separate lists according to alphabets. You have to select the alphabet for which you wish to learn the Palindromes.

Not all alphabets in our dictionary have palindromes. In fact, only 22 out of 26 alphabets have palindromes. Even among these 22 alphabets, some of them have only a few palindromes, at least according to the website list. Just select the alphabet of your choice and start learning.


learn palindromes online

The second website to learn palindromes online is NIH. This website also has a list of palindrome words, numbers, and phrases. These words numbers and phrases are segregated in the list in the respective order. At the end of this list, there is also a palindrome song. The lyrics of this song have been written in a manner that they remain exactly same, even if read backwards.

NIH is a good platform to learn some palindromes online. However, I doubt if the list includes all the possible palindromes. Nevertheless, do check it out for yourself.


learn palindromes online

Moving on, the third website to learn palindromes online is Fun-With-Words. This is a good place to learn palindromes and a little bit about its history. There is a brief article on the history of palindromes containing useful information. The website also defines the meaning of palindromes, couple with some simple examples and palindrome varieties.

Finally, when you are done exploring palindromes on this website, there is a link that will take you the page where you will find a list of palindromes. The list also contains some 2D palindromes squares. Go ahead and give it a try.

Enchanted Learning:

learn palindromes online

Enchanted Learning is the fourth place where you can learn palindromes online, for free. This is one website that finds a mention in quite a few of my articles, because of its content. It is a good platform for kids for a lot of things, and one such thing is to learn palindromes. The website has a small list of palindromes that kids can learn. Since it is for kids, no complicated or difficult palindromes are included in the list.

However, the main attraction of this website is its free worksheets. You can download free worksheets that contain palindrome puzzles. There are 2 separate worksheets available for download. Try it out from the link above.

Poetry Soup:

learn palindromes online

Alright, the final platform to learn palindromes online is Poetry Soup. On this website, you can learn palindromes through poetry. There are a lot of poems that contain palindrome words and phrases on this website. You can go through these poems one by one and learn at your own pace.

Poetry Soup has no list of palindromes. Instead, you will find a list of Palindrome poetry. There are poems from different categories and genres. Pick up one for yourself and start learning. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

So, all these above mentioned platforms will help you out in your endeavor of learning palindromes. Try them and let us know what you think.

You can also read our post on 5 Free Websites To Learn English Online

Free/Paid: Free

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