5 Website Blocker Extensions For Google Chrome

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Here’s a list of 5 website blocker extensions for Google Chrome which you can use to block access to various different types of websites. Reasons for blocking websites vary depending on who’s looking for ways how to block websites. If it’s parents, then it’s of course for protecting children when they’re browsing the web. Others might be suffering from addictions or would just like to block certain websites to try and be more productive.

Let’s see what Chrome Web store has to offer.

WebFilter Pro

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WebFilter Pro comes with a built-in list of websites that are gonna be blocked. Categories of websites which are gonna be blocked include adult, drugs, gambling, weapons, malware and much more.

Which category of websites are gonna be blocked is configurable by right clicking on the top right corner extension icon and selecting options, and it’s also possible to add your own unwanted websites to the blacklist. Whitelists are also available if you want to allow access to a particular website. For extra security settings of the application can be password protected.

Get WebFilter Pro.

Whitelist for Chrome

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If on the other hand you are interested in blocking all the websites except the ones that you put on a whitelist, then you’re gonna need Whitelist for Chrome.

Whitelist for Chrome will do exactly what we described in the previous paragraph. All the websites which aren’t on its whitelist are gonna be blocked and inaccessible. This website blocker extension is useful if you want to make sure that everything is blocked. You should probably hide the icon from the top right corner so that it’s not easy to find extension settings because they can’t be password protected.

Get Whitelist for Chrome.

FoxFilter – The content filter!

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FoxFilter is a content filtering extension which uses keywords in order to filter and block websites.

This means that if you want to block websites which are mentioning the word “bet” or “betting” you just have to add it to the FoxFilter’s blacklist. FoxFilter scans every website that you visit for blacklisted keywords and if it finds the word that you added, website is gonna be blocked. It’s very simple to setup, but you’re gonna have to open up Chrome extension list to access settings. Settings can be password protected for extra security.

Get FoxFilter – The content filter!.


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eSafely is plug-and-play type of extension that comes with its own list of websites that are gonna be blocked.

They won’t actually be blocked, but instead heavily censored. Inappropriate content on Facebook, YouTube and other popular locations is gonna be changed with funny images, for example. eSafely is intended for parents who would like their kids to still be able to visit social network websites, but for them to be safe from inappropriate content once they’re there.

Get eSafely.


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Blocksi is a website blocker extension that works very similarly to WebFilter Pro.

Default list of websites blocks millions of unwanted websites of all shapes and sizes, adult, gambling, guns, violence, dugs, etc. Which websites are gonna be blocked is configurable by right clicking and selecting Options.

Get Blocksi.


Website blocker extensions that we covered here are all very useful and effective. We suggest that you start with WebFilter Pro or Blocksi and than you go from there. See what works best for you.

Works With: Google Chrome
Free/Paid: Free

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