Learn to Code Online with Interactive Coding Problems: edabit

[yasr_overall_rating] [yasr_visitor_votes]

Edabit is a free website to learn to code online with interactive coding problems. When you register on this website, you can choose a coding challenge that you want to work on. Once you have completed the challenge and submitted the solution, you will see all the possible solutions for the challenge that have been submitted by the other users  (solution that has most upvotes will come at the top). You can also see a discussion around the challenge and the solutions. In this way, this website really helps you to learn to code online.

Apart from providing you a challenge question, this website also provides useful online programming tools that you can use. For example, it will give you a code editor and code compiler so that you can test your code, before submitting the solution.

Currently, it supports Java, Python, and JavaScript like languages for challenges. There are various difficulty levels that you choose according to the programming knowledge you have. After completing a challenge, you will receive Experience Points (XP) and Reputation (REP) according to the level you have chosen.

Learn to Code Online with Interactive Coding edabit

There is a free code review website which performs peer to peer to code review. And edabit not only serves the purpose of code review but actually it is more than that. So, let’s see some more details about this website.

How to use edabit to learn to Code online with Interactive Coding Problems?

It’s pretty simple to use edabit to code online. You simply start by registering yourself using your email, Google account, or Facebook. After that, you have to select the challenge from the available list of published ones. When you complete the challenge, your code will be published on the website and people will see it, upvote it or comment on it.

Use these easy steps to code online with interactive coding problems using edabit.

Step 1: Register yourself on the website by visiting this link. After that, it will show you the list of available challenges. You can filter the list by choosing the difficulty level, programming language, tags, etc.

edabit main challenges page

Step 2: After choosing the problem, it will redirect you to a new page. There you will see a tabular interface which has several sections to help you complete the challenge. The various sections are:

  • Instruction: Here various instructions are given to solve the challenge problem. An abstract of how the code should work or what output it will produce is explained here. Also, some examples are also given to make the problem clear to you.
  • Code: This section will help you write the code and compile it. Here you will get code and code runner. The code compiler is very powerful and it will generate the detailed error report if there are any in your code.
  • Resources: Here you will see the list of tutorials and they will be related to the code problem you are solving. For examples, if your code challenge includes dealing with string matching in Java, then you will find links to read about those on Java’s official website.
  • Solution: This section will show you all possible solutions to the same challenge that you have accepted. Actually, you will see the solutions from other users of the website here. And the solution which will have the most upvotes will be on the top. But, this section will not be accessible to you unless you have submitted your solution to the challenge. It will not appear while you are working on the problem.
  • Discussion: Here you will see the discussion about the code challenge you are working on. If you want some help, then you can ask here.

edabit tabs

Step 3: Move to the code section start writing your code. After you have completed, you can test it by running it. The output will appear on the top-right side of its interface.

edabit code run

Step 4: Now, submit your code using the Check button and it will be published on the website. Also, you will get some experience points.

edabit submit

After submitting the code that you have written for the challenge problem, it will appear in the solution list of the same problem. Also, people will see your answer too and will rate it accordingly. You can see the below screenshot which shows the code challenge that I have completed. And just after submitting, it started receiving upvotes.

edabit published answer

So, this is how you can learn to code online with interactive coding problems. And edabit website makes it pretty easy to do that. All in all, it is a good platform to become a good programmer by accepting challenges. Also, seeing the different solutions for a coding problem will help you build a new way of creating a program logic.

Final Words

edabit is really a nice website to boost up your coding skills by accepting and solving challenges. I really like it for its simplicity and the way it provides the challenges and the environment to solve it. Also, publishing your own question feature is very useful too.

Free/Paid: Free

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