Listen to Music with Your Friends on Facebook

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Facebook today announced a new feature that lets you listen to music along with your friends. If any of your friend is listening to music on Facebook using many music services available, you can also listen to that song, at exactly same time your friend is listening to.

For listening to music with your friends together, Facebook will start showing music icon in your sidebar friends list. This icon will come for all your friends who are currently listening to music. If you want to join along, just hover over this icon. A pop-up window will come that will show what is your friend listening to, and which service is he/she using.

To join along, just click on the “Listen with friend name” button that is available in the pop-up window.

Facebook music listen together

In the blog post, Facebook also mentioned that it will be possible for multiple friends to listen together. A good use mentioned is that one of the friend can play a DJ, while others can listen in.

Facebook lets you adjust your privacy settings related to listening activity. Checkout details here.

Another interesting feature is that you can chat with your friends with whom you can listening music.

Facebook has started rolling out the feature today. It did not mention when will roll out be complete.

I think this is a really nice feature. I hope they soon add similar feature for videos as well.

It is worth mentioning that this is not really a novel idea. A lesser known app Rounds has been doing this, and much more, for quite some time now. If Facebook music collaboration leaves you wanting for more, do check out Rounds.

Let us know in comments what you think about this feature. [via]


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