is a free and fast website that allows you to scan any Domain and fetch its WHOIS information, DNS details and more all in one place without having to visit multiple web pages.
WHOIS is a public database that contains all the information that is collected when any user registers a domain or updates the DNS settings of the domain. The WHOIS database is regulated by the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers or ICANN.
1. Navigate to, type or paste the required domain name that you wish to scan and press Enter.
2. Wait for some time while fetches the required information from the WHOIS database as well as other information such as the DNS details (Nameservers), Email Setup details (MX Records) and more. All the data is displayed on the same page itself.
3. Browse down the page for the complete WHOIS information in JSON format.
You must remember that if any user has enabled the Domain Privacy Service then the contact information of the domain registrant may be withheld in the WHOIS database to protect the user from identity theft or potential spam.
Closing Comments: is a good website to fetch a domain’s WHOIS, DNS and Email setup information at one place instead of navigating to multiple web pages.