5 Free Online Truth Table Generator for any Boolean Expression

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This post talks about free online truth table generator for any Boolean expression. Here I have added some websites that you can use to get truth table by simply entering a Boolean expression. The Boolean expression can be simple or complex one. They will generate the truth table after evaluating the given expression. In the end, you can copy the truth table but you cannot download them. To get the tables on your PC, you can use some table extractor Chrome or Firefox extensions.

If you are in electronics field and need to generate a truth table for an expression you have then these websites will come in handy. Here you just enter the boolean expression by adding proper signs and brackets and then let one of these website evaluate it. All these websites yield the same result but the method of entering expressions is different in some of them. In some of them, you can directly add the expression using the mathematical operators for OR and AND functions but in some of these, you have to add them in Boolean.

Truth Table Generators Online

5 Free Online Truth Table Generator for any Boolean Expression:

Truth Table Generator by Michael Rieppel

Truth Table Generator open source

Truth Table Generator by Michael Rieppel(homepage) is one of the best free tool to create a truth table from any expression. This is an open source tool that you can use offline as well. You get its source code and host it yourself or run it locally. It lets you choose different type of truth tables and it supports the different type of symbols as well for the input boolean expression. Overall, the tool is simple and you just enter the boolean expression and get the table. Simple as that.

Access the tool from the above link and specify the table type. Next, choose the truth value symbols and then enter the final expression for which you want to get the truth table. After specifying all the parameters, you simply hit the “Generate Truth Table” button and then it will reveal the final table to you. After that, you can do whatever you want.

Truth Table Maker

Truth Tabele Generator TT Maker

Truth Table Maker is another free online and simple truth table generator you can use. This is a very straightforward TT generator where you simply enter a Boolean expression and it will immediately generate the table. The web interface of the tool is quite minimal. Only a text box is there in which you have enter the input expression and there is a simple guide is given that you can use to see the syntax of the expression. Also, if you want to learn basics of truth tables then there is a tiny tutorial is given and you can go through that once to see how truth tables are generated by understanding them using basic logic gates.

Truth Table Generator by Loighic.net

Truth Tabele Generator by Loighic.net

This is yet another truth table generator(homepage) in my list that you can try. This is a simple websites where you can opt to generate the final table in plain text form or LaTeX form. The table generated in LaTeX form can be used in scientific documentation that you prepare for various research based projects. All you have to do is enter a Boolean expression with correct symbols and get the final table.

Use above link to reach the website and then specify the type of table you want to generate by selecting one of the four options listed there. Next, you have enter the Boolean expression you want to evaluate. There is a simple guide for creating expressions is given, you can analyze that to construct the expression and see some examples listed there.


Truth in action

Truth is online truth table generator for electronics engineering students with some more options. Just like other tools in the list, you can use it in the same way. Here it takes the Boolean expression in simple with simple mathematical operators. You just enter a simple or complex Boolean expression in correct formats and then get the result. All you have to do is just reach the homepage of this tool and enter the Boolean expression.

To generate a table, simply hit “Generate Truth Table” button and then it will take you to the next page to show the final table. After getting a table, you can either copy it or you can scrape it using some Chrome or Firefox extensions. To assist you, it shows a table there that you can use to build a Boolean expression.

Truth Table Generator on Stanford

Truth table generator standford

This is the simplest truth table generator(homepage) in this list. It has a minimal interface and you just enter the expression and get the result. But here you have to enter the boolean expression using the conditional symbols you use in the procedural programming languages like C. There is no registration or sign up required in order to use the this simple tool. Reach this tool using the link above and then simply enter the boolean expression you want to evaluate. As the expression completes, it will immediately generate the table for you. You can see the screenshot above that I have added.

Final thoughts

These are the best free online truth table generator websites that you can use. Use these to quickly generate a truth table from a given expression and then you can simply save it. However, you will need some external tools to save that but you will be able to do that. If you are in electronics engineering or in relate field where you work with logic gates then websites I have mentioned here will help you. Just use any websites from this list and generate Truth table in just a few seconds by specifying any expression.


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