KeepMeOut is a free web application that controls the time spent on various sites on internet. If you spend too much time on sites like Facebook, or YouTube, you can now control that with KeepMeOut. KeepMeOut works by creating bookmarks of your favorite websites. Whenever you want to go to that website, just click on bookmark for that. If you are going to the website too often, KeepMeOut will block you from going there.
The bookmark that KeepMeOut creates are custom bookmarks. While creating bookmarks, you can specify how often are you permitted to check that website (like, once every hour). If you access it more often than that, you get a message from KeepMeOut.
KeepMeOut is a neat concept, but I am not sure if it is very useful. I do not like the fact that I have to create a custom bookmark. On top of that, this application works only if I try to go to the bookmarked website by using the bookmark. Instead, if I just type the website name directly in browser, this web app won’t do anything. Rather, I would go with an application like ManicTime, or, even Facebook Runner.
Check out KeepMeOut yourself, and let us know what you think.