Dreamlab App Uses Free Time of Android to Find Cancer Cure

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DreamLab is an Android app that lets you use Android phone to solve cancer problems. It lets you donate computational power of your Android phone while you are not using it, so that your phone can run Cancer-related calculations. This uses computational power as well as data on your phone. If you are based out of Australia and using Vodafone, then the data is free, but for other countries, you could be charged as per your provider (or, just connect your phone to your home wifi).

solve cancer problems

Dreamlab is Android app by Vodafone Australia for its flagship program Dreamlab. Through its DreamLab Android app, you can share the computational power of your Android device with Garvan Institute Of Medical Research to solve cancer problems. What this app does is that it assign some tiny cancer problems to your smartphone. Your Android smartphone will then process this tiny problem and sends back the results to Dreamlab’s cloud server which is then analyzed by the research team at Garvan Institute of Medical Research.

DreamLab Android app requires an internet connection in order to use the computational power of your device. But it gives you the flexibility to choose the amount of data that you want this app to use and when you want to share your device’s processing power. Perfect option would be to let this app use the computational power of your phone throughout the night, when the phone is not in use.

If you have heard of projects like SETI@HOME, then consider Dreamlab akin to that, but for Android. Also, unlike solving space-related problems, you can use this app to solve a more fundamental problem impacting the mankind: Cancer.

How to Donate Computation Time on Android to Solve Cancer Problems:

To join Dreamlab project of Vodafone Aus, download DreamLab Android app from the link provided at the end of this article. Even though the app is by Vodafone Australia, it works in all the countries. After that, open it up and select cancer projects that you want to contribute on. The current projects that you can support through this app are breast, prostate, ovarian, and pancreatic.

solve cancer problems on Android

After that, it prompts you to select the amount of data that you want to share per month. The best part about DreamLab app is that it offers flexibility in choosing the amount of cellular data you want to share a month like 50 MB, 250 MB, etc or WiFi data. You will be cha
rged as per your mobile and WiFi data plans by your providers, but if you are a Vodafone Australia user then you won’t be charged for data that DreamLab uses.Data

Now, you can contribute processing power of your Android device by clicking on Start button and pause it anytime, as shown in the main screenshot. The best part is that it shares computing power of your Android device only when it is fully charged or when you connect your phone to a charger. It displays the total time for which you have shared your device computing power and number of problems solved by your device. It also displays the total project progress on its main screen.

solve cancer problems on Android using Dreamlab

With the flexibilities that DreamLab provides in sharing your device computational power and data, you can contribute as much as you can for this noble cause.

The app also shows how many problems have been solved by your phone in each session, and overall project status.


DreamLab is an Android application that you can use to join Dreamlab project of Vodafone Australia. It will use your idle computational power of your device to solve cancer problems and sends back the results to Garvan Institute Of Medical Research. I will ask you to join this program and contribute as much as you can to help Garvan Institute of Medical research to solve cancer problems.

Just to give you an idea of the impact that you can generate: If just 1,000 users donate their Android computation time, Cancer problems can be solved 30 times faster than what Garvan Institute might be able to do on its own. Think about how much that would accelerate a solution to this deadly disease.

Download DreamLab from here.

Works With: Android
Free/Paid: Free

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