5 Decoration Tips Apps For Android

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Here’s a list of 5 decoration tips apps for Android which can be used to find decoration ideas for occasions like birthdays, weddings, Christmas, theme parties and so on. Some of these apps will only give you images of setups, to give you ideas. Others try to go a few steps further and actually give instructions on how to actually go through with the pictured decorations. These types of apps, with decoration tips, are something that I use when a need arises for me to setup something creative, since I’m not particularly good at being creative.

Let’s look at these apps below.

Wedding Decoration Ideas by Supreme Droids

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Wedding Decoration Ideas by Supreme Droids is a decoration tips app for Android that you can use to find interesting wedding decoration ideas, duh. What this app offers are images of various aspects of weddings. It only has photos whose job is to give you ideas, there are no instructions unfortunately.

Decoration tips that the app offers are focused on wedding related topics, obviously. You get ideas for things like bouquets, reception areas, tables, gift wrapping, lighting and even the bride & groom car decorations. Images can be browsed manually (swipe left/right), using a slideshow where they are automatically browsed, and it also has a gallery overview with thumbnails for more quickly covering all the available decoration ideas. Small drawbacks of the app are ads, which can be a bit annoying, so watch out.

Get Wedding Decoration Ideas by Supreme Droids.

Wedding Decoration Ideas by Doknow

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Wedding Decoration Ideas by Doknow is another decoration tips app that focuses on weddings. It is much more simpler than the previously mentioned Wedding Decoration Ideas by Supreme Droids. There are no menus or anything like that. The only thing that you’re going to see after launching this app is what you can see on the image above.

After launching the app you’re going to start seeing photos of decoration tips right away. Swipe either left or right in order to switch between them. The only two buttons that are available are for setting a particular picture as the background and for sharing it to social networks.

Get Wedding Decoration Ideas by Doknow.

Also, have a look at 5 Websites To Get Cheap Decoration Ideas.

Birthday Decoration Ideas by ZaleBox

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Birthday Decoration Ideas by ZaleBox is a decoration tips app for Android that focuses on birthdays. There’s actually 4 galleries of decoration ideas that are available. These 4 galleries will be offered after launching the app for the first time.

Each gallery contains around 30 images of mostly birthday party setups that follow various themes. They range from fairy tale themes to pirate themed birthday parties. Present wrapping ideas are also included to a small degree. Menu in the bottom right corner allows you to save ideas to your phone, set them as wallpapers share via social networks, the usual.

Get Birthday Decoration Ideas by ZaleBox.

Lighting Decoration Ideas

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Lighting Decoration Ideas is another one of those decoration tips apps with a specialty, and its specialty are tips how to setup lighting for special occasions. Themes that this app is focusing on mostly focus on Christmas, but lighting for other occasions can also be found.

On the image above you can see me viewing a lighting decoration setup for a garden party, there’s several of those, and there are also those for indoor party decorations. App lets you save bookmarks, has a built-in search and there are also sound effects that play when switching between images (they can be turned off). Lighting Decoration Ideas is a nice app, but it has only a couple of dozen images of ideas, which is a bit on the low end if you ask me.

Get Lighting Decoration Ideas.

Also, have a look at 5 Free Websites To Learn Flower Arrangements And Decorations.

DIY Party Decorations Ideas

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DIY Party Decorations Ideas is an app that offers decoration ideas for a more wider range of occasions. There are decorations for birthdays, girl parties, boy parties, Christmas, you name it.

App itself works like pretty much ever other decoration tips apps for Android from the list above. Gallery of all the available ideas is presented to you right away in a grid. Tap on thumbnail in order to load a close up of that particular decoration idea. About two dozen various ideas are offered by this app, which is quite low if you ask me.

Get DIY Party Decorations Ideas.


All 5 of the decoration ideas app from the list above are pretty much similar, although they cover different occasions. If you’re looking for wedding ideas then definitely have a look at once of the first two apps from the list. Birthday Decoration Ideas by ZaleBox is great for when you need decoration ideas for birthdays parties. You get the picture, pick the app that you need for the occasion that you need. Leave a comment down below and tell me what you think.

Works With: Android
Free/Paid: Free

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