2 Free FAQ Page Generator Software to Create FAQ Pages for Websites

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Here are 2 best free FAQ page generator software to create FAQ pages for websites. These software will let you design a FAQ page for your website very easily. The output file generated will be an HTML file, but you will not have to deal with the coding part. All you have to do is specify the questions, answers, layout, design of the page and then these software will give you the final HTML file. Also, one of these software will also let you upload the final HTML file to your website through FTP transfer.

FAQ page plays an important role for solving various queries of the visitors of your website. And using this page, users get to know the answers to the general questions about your product or services. People also use the FAQ section of a website for the troubleshooting for common problems. So that’s why it’s important to have a FAQ page on your site. And to make a one, you will need some handy tools that I have discussed in this article.

2 Free FAQ Page Generator Software

Now, let’s see how to use these free FAQ page generator software for creating a nice FAQ page for your website.

Free FAQ Page Generator Software to Create FAQ Pages for Websites


FAQ genie

FAQGenie is a free FAQ page generator software for Windows. It’s a lightweight software which allows you to create a FAQ page for your website very quickly. You can add many questions along with the answers and then this software will give you the HTML file of the FAQ page. You can then add that file to your website by uploading it via any FTP client. The software allows you to specify certain options like specifying the background image, page layout, text size, font, header-footer code, etc. You can specify all this from its interface and then it will do the rest.

The software supports various layouts that you will like. And you can fully customize them according to your needs. You can change the color of the text, background color, link color, and add a background image. Also, you can specify a header and footer code, if you are familiar with HTML scripting. The final HTML page that it generates is responsive too. The view of the page will be adaptable to the mobile devices as well.

Getting started with FAQGenie is very easy. When you have installed it, open it and you will see its interface. The interface of this FAQ Generator is divided into various tabs. And those tabs are meant to configure various options. Use the Q&A section of the software to add questions in it. Specify the answers as well for each question. After that, use the Layout tab of the software to specify the look and feel that you want to have on your FAQ page. Now, specify the output folder and when all set, hit the Go button from the top left side. The webpage will open in the browser and the HTML file will be exported to the folder that you have specified.

FAQ Builder

Faq Builder faq pages generator

FAQ Builder is another very nice FAQ page generator software to create FAQ pages for websites. The software also lets you create a FAQ page and you can upload it directly to your website. It comes with a built-in FTP client and you can easily use that to upload the FAQ’s HTML file to your server. The software comes as a portable one and the FAQ file that it generates is very simple in look and feel. You can have various categories on the FAQ page and specify a different set of question accordingly.

I have already told you that the software is pretty simple and it doesn’t have other customization options, like I have mentioned in the case of above software. You can create as many categories and question you want and when done finally export the HTML file or directly upload it to the server.

Getting started with FAQ Builder freeware is very easy. Just launch the software and then create a new project using the File menu of the software. Give a name to your project and then start adding categories and questions in it. After you have typed questions and answers, then you can hit the Play button from the toolbar to export the file. Alternatively, you can directly upload it to the server using the built-in FTP client. For that you will have to enter the server credentials in the HTML output tab of the Options window, which is located in Option menu of the software.

Final Words

These are some of the best free FAQ page generator software which I have found. Both of these software do what they say and you can easily get a FAQ page for your website by just adding some questions and answers. Personally, I like FAQGenie to be the best software to generate FAQ page.


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