10 Online Animated Text Generator Websites Free

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This article covers 10 Free Animated Text Generator Websites.

With these websites, you can generate attractive animated text within a minute. All you have to do is enter your regular text and select the desired animated font, and these websites will generate the animated text for you.

Most of these websites create a GIF image of your animated text which you can download to your computer. And, some of them also generate HTML code to embed your animated text to a webpage.

Also Read: 6 Best Free Online Font Creator Websites

Here Are 10 Online Animated Text Generator Websites:


animated text generator
AntoineMoPa is a simple web app to generate animated text. It lets you generate up to three texts here and each of these texts will have a different font than other. You can set the font size for each text separately as well. As you write text, a live preview of respective animated text is shown in the GIF preview panel beside it. AntoineMoPa offers three animated styles for the animated text. You can review them in the live preview and choose the desired one for your animated text. Clicking the ‘make a gif from this‘ button will generate a GIF file of your animated text which you can save to your local disk.

Try AntoineMoPa Animated Text Generator here.


free animated text generator

With Loading.io you can generate bouncy colorful animated text. It features a wide collection of color schemes which you can use for your animated text. And, if you are having a hard time choosing a color scheme, you can create your own color scheme as well. You can set the dimensions for the animated text background and adjust the text size accordingly. Under ‘Advanced Options‘, you get options to tweak the animation. From here, you can do randomization, latency, direction and animate order of the text. When you are done tweaking your animated text, you can download it as a GIF, SVG, or APNG file.

Generate Animated Text with Loading.io here.


online animated text generator

Icons8 offers a web tool named ‘Animizer‘ that generates animated text. This animated text generator features 10 different animation templates; you can preview them and select the one you like for your text. It also gives you options to choose the foreground and background colors for the final text. The output will be an image file and it let you choose whether you want a GIF or APNG file. You can set the dimensions for the image and adjust the animation speed as per your like. And, if you want to rotate, flip or reverse the animation, you can do that under ‘Advanced Settings‘.

Try this Animated Text Generator here.


online free animated text generator

FlashVortex.com is another free website to generate animated text online. When you visit this, at the homepage, it shows you a vast variety of templates. Click on the template you like to generate your text similar to that. Then, it will open a text generator with three settings; Text Font, Text Layout, and Animation Properties. You can adjust these settings as you like to generate the desired animated text.

Give this Animated Text Generator a try here.


animated text generator
MagicWidgets has a simple tool to generate animated text. It is very straightforward with limited options. First, you type your text there. It has a maximum 30 characters limit for that. Then, you can select an animation style for your text from the given 8 options. Lastly, you can set a background color for the text. After that, just click the ‘Create‘ button to get your animated text. MagicWidgets also generates an HTML code to embed the animated text on a webpage.

Try MagicWidgets Animated Text Generator here.


animated text generator free

TextAnim is a free web application that generates animated text and gives you the output in form of GIF file. It has all the necessary options that you might need while making your text animated. You can select a font type for your text and adjust its size accordingly. Then, you have an option to add background color which lets you choose your desired color for that. After that, you can choose the direction for the animation, enable shadow and adjust the Delay movement. And at last, you get a collection of textures where you can choose any texture to add it to your text.

Generate Animated Text with TextAnim here.


online animated text generator free

CoolText.com is the simplest animated text generator on this list. To generate animated text here, first, enter your text in the text box. Then, select a font for your text. To do that, click on the current font name and this will open a collection of around 50 attractive fonts. Click on any font from there to use it for your text. After that, set the size of your font and click the ‘Create‘ button. This will generate your animated text which you can download as GIF file.

You can try this Animated Text Generator here.


free animated text generator
BlogGIF is another online tool to generate animated text GIF. To do that, simply type your text there and select a font type. It also adds a texture effect to your text which you can select under ‘Effect‘ drop-down. After that, set a text size and select the background color for your text. BlogGIF also adds an outline and shadow to your text which is of black color by default and you can change their color as well.

Apart from the text generator, you can add animated text directly to a photo here. Simply generate a text first. Then upload your photo to add text to it.

Give BlogGIF Animated Text Generator a try here.


online animated text generator free

Glowtxt.com is a free website to generate beautiful glowing text online. It also features a set of animated fonts which you can use to generate animated text. You can generate up to 3 animated texts simultaneously here and its uses day to day measurements instead of numbers which I really like. So, to generate animated text here, first type your text and select a text size. Then, choose an animation style and background color for your text. You can also add glow effect as well. At last, choose a texture form the given choices to add that to your text and click ‘Make text‘ button to generate your text.

Try Glowtxt Animated Text Generator here.


animated text generator

Picasion.com offers another simple tool to generate animated text online. Basically, it’s a glitter text maker but it features some fonts and glitter textures which give the animated appearance. So, you can type your text here and generate animated text by choosing appropriate font and glitter. You can also create animation by uploading a series of images here. In both cases, it gives you the output in form of a GIF file.

Give it a go here.

Closing Words:

All these animated text generator websites are very simple to use. You can easily generate attractive animated text using any of these.

Free/Paid: Free

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