Setup Online Reservation System on your Website with UpBooking

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UpBooking is a free online booking service which you can use in order to manage reservations for hotels, hostels, motels, rent-a-car companies, tourist objects or any other service where creating reservations is needed. After registering on UpBooking website you’ll be able to setup an entire reservation booking interface which can be integrated into your website for your visitors to use.

UpBooking default window

Screenshot above shows us the interface of this free online reservation and booking management service. During registration you’ll need to select the type of service for which you’re interested in setting up a reservation system. Three are offered, hotels, rent-a-car companies and apartments. Hotels can also be used for other types of establishments like motels, hostels. Menus are available on the left side, while the rest of the interface holds options for the selected option. Key features of UpBooking are:

  • Free online reservations and booking management service
  • Manage reservations for multiple locations – multiple hotels
  • Easy copy-paste code integration of UpBooking into your website
  • Plugins and modules for WordPress and Joomla are available
  • Statistics with charts for keeping track of the reservations
  • Highly configurable – change everything to your liking

Large and famous hotels have the means for setting up large systems for handling of guest reservations and bookings, but small time motels and hostels aren’t so lucky, especially those who are just starting out. This is exactly the kind of enterprises where UpBooking can help out the most. Here’s a few pointers to help you get started.

How to setup a booking and reservation system on your website easily with UpBooking

The entire setup consists of three steps. First one is to setup the hotel, motel, hostel, rent-a-car or any of the other services which are their derivatives, inside your UpBooking account. Image above shows us a hotel which we have already created.

UpBooking adding hotel

Fill out all the information about the establishment, name, address, check-in and check-out hour, payment methods and so on. When you’re done click Save and you’ll get to the main menu, the one that can be on the first image above. For step two you need to click on the Search Script button of the establishment that you’ve just setup.

UpBooking getting code

This is the code that you need to embed in your website, thats step three. After you do that, visitors which are visiting your website can use the booking interface to reserve a room, which will then be shown in your UpBooking account under Bookings.

UpBooking frontend

This is how the actual booking interface looks like, but keep in mind that all of this is highly customizable and can be changed to suite your needs.

You can also check out CultDesk if you are looking for free online hotel booking software.


Service offered by UpBooking will help you out a lot, if you’re looking for a way of how to allow visitors of your hotel website or motel websites to book and reserve rooms. Setup is very easy, just copy paste the code that’s generated and you’re done. The entire system works very fast and it allows you to manage your reservations and bookings online. You just need a web browser and an Internet connection. Give a try and see how easy it really is.

Free/Paid: Free

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