5 Free Online TSV To JSON Converter Websites

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Here are 5 free online TSV to JSON converter websites. When you need to convert Tab separated values‘ format file to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file, these websites will be very helpful to you. You just need to add TSV data and then convert it to JSON format data in just one click. After that, you can save output data to PC as JSON file.

Most of these websites come with the feature to upload TSV file from PC or add an online TSV file and convert it to JSON file. Apart from that, all these websites let you edit input as well as output data so that you will get the JSON file as per your requirements. Some other interesting features are also present. For example, you can beautify JSON code, preview input and output content side by side, store JSON file online, etc.

Let’s check these free online TSV to JSON converters one by one.



BeautifyConverter is one of the best free online TSV to JSON converters. I like its features a lot. You can use it to add an online TSV file, upload TSV file from PC, edit the input file, preview the output JSON content, edit the JSON content, and then save the output to PC. It can also handle TSV files with 3-5 MB very well.

There are two very good features are also available. You can beautify JSON code as well as enable wrap mode for output JSON file.

You can also use different themes and change the font size to view and edit input and output content easily. All such features make it a powerful TSV to JSON converter website.

Code Amaze

Code Amaze

Code Amaze gives a tough competition to BeautifyConverter website and is better than many other TSV to JSON converter websites present on this list. You can add online TSV file or add TSV document from PC, view the input and output content side by side, edit TSV data as well as JSON data and then save the output content as JSON file in just one click.

It doesn’t come with code beautify feature but you can change the theme as well as font size to view and edit data without any trouble. Your output JSON code can also be saved online in the database of this website. All these features make it pretty useful. That’s why I place this online TSV to JSON converter on the top of other websites.

Online JSON Tools

Online JSON Tools

Online JSON Tools is another very good TSV to JSON converter website. Like many other websites, it also lets you add TSV from PC, view input and output content side by side, edit the data, and then save the output data as JSON file. However, you can’t save JSON file directly. Clicking on the Save as.. button for output will save it as a plain text file. To save output data as JSON file, you have to manually save it as JSON file by adding “.json” extension in the file name.

This website has some other useful features also which you won’t find in any other online TSV to JSON converter. You can enable the option to skip lines starting with #, skip empty lines, etc. Based on these features, this online TSV to JSON converter has easily reserved its place on this list.

Code Beautify TSV to JSON Converter

Code Beautify TSV to JSON Converter

Code Beautify is a good competitor to other online TSV to JSON converters on this list. It has many interesting features. You can create a new TSV file and then convert it to JSON, edit TSV file before converting it to JSON file, and edit the output content before saving it as JSON file to PC. Input and output content is visible side by side for preview which is another good feature of this website.

You can upload TSV file from PC or load an online TSV file. The input size limit is 1 MB only which is clearly not helpful to convert large TSV files. But, if you have small TSV files under 1 MB, then this online TSV to JSON converter is surely good to use. You can also save your output in its database.

Apart from these useful features, it also shows the file size, the total number of characters, words, and lines in input TSV and output JSON files.

TSV to JSON Converter

Convert TSV to JSON interface

If you want a very simple online TSV to JSON converter, then you should definitely try this website. It lets you paste the TSV data into a box and then it will convert TSV data to JSON in just a single click. Once the output JSON data is generated, you can copy that data to clipboard and then manually save that data as JSON file. You can also edit the input data and output JSON content but can’t preview both data side by side.

It doesn’t come with options like upload TSV file from PC, beautify JSON code, check word count, etc. Only a basic interface is available where you can add input data and convert it to JSON format. If this only feature is all you need, then this is surely a handy choice.

We have also reviewed JSON to CSV converter websites for you.

The Conclusion:

Here I wrap up this list covering best free online TSV to JSON converters. All are good as TSV to JSON converter feature works very well. Still, my favorite on this entire list is “BeautifyConverter”. I prefer it over other online TSV to JSON converters because it lets you preview and edit input and output data, beautify JSON code in one click and supports large TSV files quite well.


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