4 Free PDF To MOBI Converter Websites

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Here are 4 free PDF to MOBI converter websites. If you ever need to convert a PDF file stored on your PC to MOBI format file, then these websites will be handy. Apart from converting a PDF stored on your PC, some of these websites support online PDF file conversion also.

Some other interesting features are also available in most of these websites. For example, you can convert multiple PDF files to MOBI files in a single conversion, add PDF from Dropbox and Google and save the output to any of these two cloud services, begin automatic upload and conversion process, receive the download links for MOBI files in your email, etc.

Let’s check these free online PDF to MOBI converters one by one.


PDF to MOBI interface

PDF2mobi.com (Homepage) is one of my favorite PDF to MOBI converter websites. The biggest advantage of this online PDF to MOBI converter is you can add maximum 20 PDF files for conversion. Another great feature is the upload and then conversion process is started automatically, as soon as you add PDF files from PC. I wasn’t able to find the maximum size limit for input PDF files. So, you may check it yourself.

One by one all PDF files are converted and you get the output in MOBI format. You have the choice if you want to download each individual MOBI file one by one or simply download them all at once in a zip file.

All your PDF and MOBI files are also removed automatically after an hour. So, the website comes with pretty good features that you will like.

Online Converter

Online Converter Homepage

Online Converter (Homepage) has a very simple interface but its feature to convert PDF to MOBI is very good. One of its best features is you can upload maximum 200 MB PDF, which is greater than many other websites available on this list. You can convert an online PDF or add PDF from PC to convert it to MOBI format file.

Once you have saved the output MOBI file, you can delete it from the website server immediately. Even if you forget or don’t want to delete the MOBI file from its server, the website will automatically remove it after 10 downloads or a day. If you are looking for a very simple online PDF to MOBI, then this is a much better option to try.


Zamzar PDF to MOBI

Zamzar is one of the popular file conversion websites which can convert almost any type of file. And the good thing is it also lets you convert PDF to MOBI format files. With free (without sign up) plan, you can convert 5 PDF files at once and up to 50 PDF files in 24 hours time period. Apart from converting PDF stored on your PC, you can also convert online PDF to MOBI file.

The conversion process is extremely simple. Add input PDF files, select output format as MOBI, then provide your email address and use Convert button. It doesn’t give you the option to download output MOBI files to PC directly. Instead, the separate download links of the converted files are sent to the email address provided by you. That’s why it is needed to give the email address.

Once 24 hours are passed, it deletes the output MOBI files from its servers. Overall, its free plan is very useful for personal use.


Convertio PDF to MOBI

Convertio is an all in one eBook, image, and document converter website and that’s why I like it. Converting PDF to MOBI is also supported on this website. With its free plan, you can upload up to 100 MB PDF files and then convert them to MOBI files. You have four different ways to upload PDF files: Google Drive, PC, Dropbox, or online PDF URL. Two files at a time can be converted using this website. After that, you can save the output MOBI files to PC, Dropbox, or Google Drive.

Convertio also removes all the PDF and MOBI after one day from its servers. So, in terms of features, the website is definitely a good choice. However, its free plan is very limited and that’s why I didn’t place it on the top of other websites. The free plan offers only 10 conversion minutes per day. If that is OK for you, then you may give a try to this website.

If you are looking for MOBI to PDF converters, then you may check this list.

The Conclusion:

Among all these PDF to MOBI converter websites, my favorite is “PDF2mobi.com“. The reason is it helps to convert 20 PDFs at a time and upload and conversion process is automatic. The rest of the online PDF to MOBI converters are also good in serving the main purpose. Therefore, every website is good here. Try these online PDF to MOBI converters.


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