Improve your English Accent With AccentSchool

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AccentSchool provides free tutorial classes to improve your English accent. This website provides audio, video, and visual support for learning accent.

English is an important language to communicate with others. Many countries use English as a medium to communicate or official language. Though it’s easy to learn English, the accent is tough to grasp. Every word and letter has it’s own accent. The accent can be well understood in terms of phonetics. Phonetics is the study of human sounds and how to articulate those sounds. So, AccentSchool is here to help you pronounce the words correctly. Just go through the lessons and exercises to learn the English accent properly.


About AccentSchool Website to Improve Accent Online:

AccentSchool provides online lessons to learn English accent in a proper way. AccentSchool provides a free accent reduction lessons to improve your accent in English. The website consists of lessons and exercises; through which you will be taught in a step by step manner on how to improve your pronunciation in English. In between you will be guided with voice support, pictures, and video support also to know how words are pronounced.

Visit the website and it may take some time to load the web page. Then the website will be seen like the below screenshot. You will be given a small introduction to AccentSchool. You will be given a small tutorial on how to use AccentSchool and at the end it will ask some questions on how your accent is caused and what are the methods you think you can change it. After that introduction lesson the actual lessons start. Don’t be in a hurry because learning a perfect accent is a time taking process. Don’t be in a hurry to complete all the lessons in one night.

english accent

How To Use AccentSchool To Improve Your English Accent:

This AccentSchool is easy to access and use. After you are done reading a page just click on the forward orange button available below each page. If you want to view frequently asked questions then click on question mark on the top right. Click on the pencil symbol to access voice forms and click on book symbol to view a flash version of the whole lessons of the AccentSchool. If you want to save your work and progress and quit then click on the cross mark.

Click on video tutorial to hear voice and video support by Rebecca, the chief linguist of AccentSchool. She will teach you how to articulate and pronounce the words in a fascinating manner. If you click on the words which are in blue color, then you will hear an audio version of those words’ pronunciation. Use all these facilities to learn English accent in a convenient way.

video tutorial

Use AccentSchool in an efficient way and follow the guidelines to learn English Accent for free. Join AccentSchool, attend English classes only, and start doing your homeworks. Also read this review on websites to learn English and Pronunciation apps on iPhone.

Click here to Join AccentSchool.

Free/Paid: Free

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