Take 1-Minute Stretching Breaks While Working with this website

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In this article, you will read about a website that can help you immensely if you take 1-minute stretching breaks while working.

Working is great. Now that things are returning to normal, people seem to have a lot of stress about the work pressure. The deadlines that appeared normal before the pandemic has now become almost an impossible task to achieve. You can blame this one on the Pandemic rest.

While it was feasible for most people to work from home, they were in the rhythm sort of to get the work done, under the pressure. It is not a big task for people who have resume work after some time to get things done in the same manner as before. And we understand your problem, so this web application may help you in this regard.

Take 1-Minute Stretching Breaks While Working with this website

I Need A Break, a simple web application, that helps you get your focus back by providing you a one-minute break from the work. This application helps you relax by providing you a guided video on how to unwind for one minute and take a break from the work when you feel extremely stressed out.

Visit the website called I Need A Break by typing this web address on your browsers search bar ineedabreak.work or simply clicking here to visit the website instantly.

This web application starts off almost immediately when you visit the application so make sure you visit the website when you want to take a break. Once you visit this website, the countdown will begin, and the stress-buster video will start in 3 seconds.

I Need a Break

This website has a 1-minute timer along with a video of a simple light workout or stretch video that has timestamps of 15 seconds. The variations in the stretching technique will change every 15 seconds. The video acts as an easy guide to just follow the steps of the stretch, and don’t worry if you are not able to completely follow it dot to dot. Remember, this one minute just only for relaxing and taking a break, and not force yourself to complete the Break as a Task.

Moreover, if you know someone who is really worked up, you can send the link of this website provided at the end of the video, which can be shared on various platforms including, mail, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and much more. You can also download this application on your phone for easy accessibility.

There you have it, an easy way to take a break whenever you feel stressed and overwhelmed with work.

In brief

I Need A Break can provide a much need one-minute simple stretching technique that you can do while being on your desk, so you don’t have to go further away from your work. This web application is handy in terms of accessibility as well as efficiency.

Try this web application here.

Free/Paid: Free

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