Copy Multiple Text to Clipboard, Assign Different Hotkeys to Paste Them

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Update 2022: This software no longer exists. Try some other alternative now.

SharpCopy is a free clipboard desktop app that is used to copy text and restore text to clipboard whenever needed. It simply lets you store multiple texts in clipboard and you can restore any text to clipboard to paste at required place. There are preset hotkeys available to copy text and restore any copied text back to clipboard.

You can assign any hotkey to copy text. Use ‘Ctrl + 0-9 + C’ to copy a text and ‘Ctrl + 0-9 to restore a particular text to clipboard. For example, use Ctrl+2+C to copy a text and selected text will be copied with this specified hotkey. And whenever you want to paste that text using Clipboard, then you simply need to restore that text to clipboard. For this, use Ctrl+2 and text available in that hotkey will be restored to clipboard.

SharpCopy- copy paste operation

SharpCopy runs silently on system tray and shows a pop up message whenever a copy operation or paste operation is done by user. In above screenshot, you can see copy paste operation performed using SharpCopy hotkeys.

Select any text that you want to store with a particular hotkey and that clipboard text will be stored in that key.

SharpCopy- copy operation

And whenever you want to use stored text, restore it to clipboard using appropriate hotkey.
SharpCopy comes in handy whenever you need to perform multiple copy text operation in a document or in a webpage. Although it’s a very simple application, but it could be a bit confusing job for you to quickly remember which text was copied using which hotkey. Moreover, if you have opened multiple tabs in a web browser, then copy text will be difficult as Ctrl+num key is already assigned to switch to tabs. For example, Ctrl+1 will move you to first tab opened in web browser. So, option to customize hotkeys are needed.

Some Key Features Present In SharpCopy are:

  • You can store text using SharpCopy and can restore it to clipboard whenever needed.
  • Up to 10 different texts can be copied.
  • It is a lightweight software. Its setup file is just 318 kb in total size.
  • Anyone can use it free of cost.

If you are looking for Windows clipboard replacement software, then also try these 4 free software to replace Windows clipboard.


SharpCopy is a basic and simple software that can help you to ease copy text process. But there are shortcomings with SharpCopy, like no option to set own hotkeys and it is limited to copy only text. If you want to expand Windows clipboard and to copy text files, images, documents, then you can check out these clipboard management utilities: CopyQ, Clipcomrade, and Advanced Clipboard.

But if you are looking for a simple clipboard replacement software that can copy multiple texts, go ahead with SharpCopy.

Works With: Windows
Free/Paid: Free

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