Thumb Studio is a free image gallery, thumbnail, slideshow maker and photo album creator. The free slideshow maker also allows users to convert images to three different sizes at the same time. Converting images to a different format is also possible as Thumb Studio supports all the major formats used today. Within the free photo album creator there are several drafts that are able to be manipulated and customized by the user to suit his or her needs. Users have the option to create their own custom photo album or slideshow and can post said album on their homepage or some other website.
Thumb Studio’s colorful and easily understood interface makes using the application a breeze. Even those with limited computer skills are able to navigate their way around the application without any problems. All that is required is to choose the position of the custom template and Thumb Studio will make everything happen before your eyes. Images will be seamlessly integrated into the template based on the user’s instructions.
Users have complete control over all options. These include image sizing, adding/deleting rows, color, fonts, spacing, width, buttons, etc. Users also have the option to add watermarks to images. These watermarks are usually an image with an alpha-channel for true, clear transparency. The positioning of a watermark, on an image, is entirely up to the user and the options are many. Changing the watermark’s transparency level, is also able to be performed without any difficulty
Free Thumb Studio has EXIF software built-in to the program. This software reads the blend, the aperture, speed and other information of images from a digital camera. This image editing freeware also allows a user to add such information such as the image extension code, i.e. JPEG, IPTC, etc. He or she is able to add comments to each image; this makes the picture more interesting.
Thumb Studio does not require any sign up information for a photo-sharing service. Upload images to your own web-server or website or you can use the application as a free off-line album. You can also read our featured article on best free image editors or best free bulk image resizer software to edit photos.
Clearly this Free image software is the ideal application for those who enjoy taking photographs and altering these picture so as to enhance the image in some way. If you’re an avid photographer, you’ll find this simple-to-use program Thumb Studio godsend.