Windows 8 Official NFL App Free: NFL Mobile

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NFL Mobile, is a free Windows 8 NFL app. It is the official NFL app from NFL Enterprises. This is a Windows 8 app to bring all the latest and minute-to-minute NFL and AFC news right in your Windows 8 devices. You can watch videos related to NFL, highlights of the game, and videos from NFL Network and NFL RedZone. Plus you can also read different news stories on each player, team, play, and tournaments, view game scores, players stats in each game team standings according to Division and League, and shop for players jerseys and accessories, and buy tickets of upcoming matches. Not only that, you can also follow your favorite team, and know everything about the team, matches, schedules, players etc.

NFL Mobile - news story

Details of this Windows 8 NFL App:

As it’s the official NFL app for Windows 8 devices, it has got great looking interface, with the ball’s leather as the background. The app is filled with different sized screenshots of game video, photos from the game and players, news stories in big tiles with big enough fonts. A really good use of fonts sizes, colors, team logs and other images. Which altogether makes the app a well designed Windows 8 app.

On launching the app you’ll be asked to login with credentials. If you have got one, then you can simply login and use the app. It is basically for syncing your favorite team in the app and any existing subscription to the device. So, that you don’t have to set your favorite team and notifications related to team news, injuries in a team, breaking news, when to tune in and watch etc. But in case if you haven’t got account in, still you can use the app in the same way. After passing through this Step you are asked to choose favorite team and then the alerts that you want to receive. So that the app will give you all the latest and reliable news stories of your favorite team.

NFL Mobile - setting alerts

Once done through the aforementioned, you’ll get the Home Screen of the app. This screen contains all the latest and trust worthy both video and textual new stories related to All NFL, and your favorite team separately on the right side. Since it includes All NFL, so, that means all the news form the whole NFL world as well as AFC this includes all teams and players. Since the news stories are brought from official NFL Enterprise, so every news is correct and reliable. All the latest news comes up first, then follows older ones.

NFL Mobile - home screen

Simply click on requisite news to watch or read it. A good thing at this point is that you can jump to other related news from the same screen without going back to home screen or any other screen. Simply click on the Next and Previous buttons on top right corner of screen.

The news covers everything: the playoffs, highlights of a game, final score, recap and reviews of a game form Around The League news source, fans reactions, videos, quarter by quarter scoring and plays, both team top players stats.

NFL Mobile - video and flyout

Also right click on any screen, brings up a flyout at the top. It contains: Home, News, Scores, Fantasy, Watch, Standings, Schedules, Shop, and Tickets. These all are toggle buttons, clicking on which opens respective screens. The News contains all news listed from the whole NFL and AFC. Scores lists down of all games week by week. Fantasy is where you can build up your fantasy team. You need to sign-in with credentials for this. In Watch toggle, you can watch the videos from NFL Network, and NFL RedZone. In Standings you can actually see the current standings of teams in AFC and NFL by division, conference, and current league. These standings are on the basis of wins and losses, plus you can also see and compare the Win%, PF, PA, games win at home and on road etc. The shop and tickets, both are for shopping and buying NFL accessories like caps, players jerseys, etc. You’ll do shopping from official NFL Shop, and buy tickets of upcoming games from ticketmaster .

NFL Mobile - buying tickets

This Windows 8 NFL App is nicely integrated with Windows 8 Settings charm. It can be used to change favorite team, NFL alerts that you want to get, and Sign-in to account etc.

NFL Mobile - settings

Key features of this Windows 8 NFL App:

  • Good Windows 8 NFL app.
  • Get up-to-minute NFL game scores.
  • Set and get custom team alerts.
  • Mange your fantasy NFL team.
  • Watch video highlights.
  • Integrated with Windows 8 Settings charms.

Also check out these free Windows 8 sports apps: Blade Sports and ESPN App.

Final note:

NFL Mobile, sure is a good Windows 8 NFL app. I am a big time fan of NFL and quite liked this Windows 8 NFL app. There are other similar apps, but this one sure is good. Get this Windows 8 app from Sports Category in Windows Store. You can use the Windows 8 Search Charm to find the app, or click here.

Do check out this free online facebook NFL  game: Facebook Madden NFL Superstars.

Works With: Windows 8
Free/Paid: Free

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