How to Find Old Tweets and Delete Those Tweets

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This tutorial explains how to find old tweets and delete those tweets.

TweetEraser is a free website to quickly find all your old tweets and select tweets that you want to remove from your Twitter timeline. You can also preview tweets before deleting them. This is a very useful website to remove useless tweets you ever posted. Moreover, it can also help to delete sent and received messages.

You can search for tweets using text or hashtag. It also provides an option to find tweets between two specific dates and delete them.

TweetEraser- Find old tweets and delete them

In above screenshot, you can see the interface of this website where you can filter tweets/messages and delete them.

Also check Twitwipe to delete all tweets and efemr website to set time limit to automatically delete tweets.

How to Find Old Tweets and Delete Them using This Free Website?

First of all, click on the homepage link of this website that I have added at the end of this review. After this, you just need to follow simple steps which are as follows:

Step 1: Sign into your Twitter account using the button available at left side on its homepage. Authorize this website to access your Twitter account so that it can retrieve tweets and messages. After this, it will provide you options to find old tweets. On left side, you can also see the total number of tweets available on your Twitter timeline.

total number of tweets available

Step 2: Select ‘Your timeline‘ option using the drop down menu for search. When you want to find messages, simply choose Your direct messages option.

select your timeline option and enter dates

Step 3: Search for those tweets, using the keywords or hashtag, that you want to delete. For this, you can use the search box. When you are not sure about which tweets you want to search, then simply use Date options. In this option, you can select between option and search for two specific dates.

Step 3: After this, just tap on start searching button. It will start retrieving tweets from your Twitter timeline.

Step 4: Search result will show you the list of all tweets, just like visible in the screenshot below. With each tweet, you will find tweet date and delete option.

select tweets and delete

Step 5: Select tweets and use delete selected items button. After this, all those tweets will be removed. On the left side of its interface, you can see the total number of tweets now available on your Twitter timeline.


TweetEraser is really a fantastic website to automatically find old tweets and delete them easily. You can also use it to delete bulk messages sent and received by you on your Twitter account.

Try TweetEraser free.

Free/Paid: Free

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