Trackthis is a free service to track your Fedex, UPS, USPS, and DHL packages on Twitter. It is extremely easy to use, and completely free.
To get status of your package on Twitter using Trackthis, just follow these simple steps:
1) Follow @Trackthis on Twitter.
2) Send a direct message to @Trackthis with package number and a short nickname for that package. Example: 123123123 myUPSpackage
3) Now, Trackthis will keep checking status of your package. Whenever your package moves, Trackthis will send you a direct message with the status of the package.
Really easy, and very cool. The service is completely free. I really like it because it has a very practical use. Now I don’t need to go to Fedex/UPS websites continously, instead, I will get a direct message whenever package moves. Love it!