Social Network For Kids: Everloop

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Everloop is a completely free social network for kids under 15 years of age who can create an account under their parents watch. The website is projected as an alternative for Facebook where you can experience similar features in a more protected environment. This social network allows you to upload/share photos & videos, add friends, play games, join loops ( groups) and much more. It attempts to inculcate all that you can find on any social network platform. Parents can keep a close watch on their kids by monitoring all their activities.

Facebook does not allow kids under 18 to join the platform resulting in many fake accounts. It also contains some elements that might prove to be inappropriate for kids. This social network for kids tries to eliminate all these things by providing a worthy alternative. Let us see how it works.

Everloop -social network for kids-create account

Create An Account And Get Started

This social network for kids allows your parents to stay updated about your activities on the website. While you are creating an account, you have to give your parent’s email to get their approval and they can also create an account to keep an eye on you. There is a separate Everloop for parents. After you have their approval you can start using your account.

The home page of your account shows news feeds of other users on Everloop. You can see all your activities and stuff separately on a different page by clicking on my stuff option. All the options are given on top of your account. Your notifications are shown in the left corner of your account.

everloop -social network for kids-your stuff

Everloop contains some really cool stickers and cool colors to customize your account. You can customize the theme of your account by adding beautiful colors on your own. You have to choose the shade of color by clicking on the background option. You can even add stickers in the background of your account. There are some really cool stickers that you can add all over the place. These stickers can also be rotated in any direction.

everloop -social network for kids-customize loop

Another interesting feature in this social network for kids is that you can join loops. These loops are like different clubs that you can join. All these clubs represent different things and you can become a member of these loops. You can post in these loops, talk to other members, comment on their posts etc. All the loops that you join are shown in a list in your account.

Everloop -social network for kids-join loops

There is an Everstore in your account from where you can buy a lot of things. This social network for kids gives you credits for different activities like playing games, posting stuff and more. You can use these credits in buying things from everstore like stickers, avatars, new apps. Avatars are faces you can put up as your profile picture. There are some really cool avatars on offer for you.

Everloop -social network for kids-everstore

Key Features Of This Social Network For Kids

  • Share/upload photos, videos etc.
  • Chat with friends
  • Customize your loop
  • Purchase cool stickers, avatars etc. from everstore
  • Goob your friends
  • Join and create your own loops
  • Play interesting games
  • Earn credits and cool badges

Final Verdict

An interesting alternative for Facebook with some cool features. Surely worth giving a try.

Try Everloop here!

You can also try Kidzworld, Pictico

Free/Paid: Free

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