5 Free Keyword Density Checker Websites

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This is a list of 5 free keyword density checker websites. The following websites take article text and some keywords from you to calculate their frequency in the text. And based on the frequency, you can analyzer the density of the keywords in the content. Also, I have added some websites that take the URL of a post to calculate the keyword density. These websites list the one word keyword, two-word keywords, three word keywords along with the density their density in the post.

Search engines like Google don’t like keyword stuffed articles thus they impose some limit to the number of times you can use a keyword. Since, it is very difficult to calculate it manually, so you can use these tools. All you have to do is input the target text to check and these websites will automatically extract various keywords from that. Along with the keywords, you can see the density percent. And if the density is more than the recommended, then you can make the corresponding edits in your content.

Keyword Density Checker Websites

5 Free Keyword Density Checker Websites:

Live Keyword Analysis

live keyword analysis

Live Keyword Analysis is one of the best free keywords density checker websites. It lets you paste the article text and you can specify up to 3 keywords. And based on the keywords you specify, it calculates the keyword density and shows overall ratio to you. You can then analyze the keyword density and get the result. However, here it doesn’t let you export the result, You can only calculate and analyze the keyword density.

This is a simple website, focusing only on keyword density analysis. After reaching its homepage, you just have to copy paste the text and specify the keywords that you want to analyze. After that, it immediately shows the density in terms of the ratio. It allows you to easily check the keyword density and do whatever you want.

Keyword Density Tool by FreeSEOSource

keyword density tool by seosourcechek

Keyword Density Tool by FreeSEOSource is a simple and free website that works in the same way as the above site does. It lets you specify 3 different keywords to let you find their density in a text. Along with the keywords, you can specify the content on which you want to perform the analysis. It analyzes the text and shows you the ratio of the specified keywords to the text of the whole article.

Using this tool to check keyword density is very simple. Just go to the main page of the website and then enter the keywords for checking the density. And as soon as you specify the keywords, it shows the density and afterwards, you can do whatever you want. Also, apart from the keyword density checker, you can use other SEO tools as well such as plagiarism checker, page rank checker, etc.

Keyword Density Calculator

keyword density calculator

Keyword Density Calculator is another free tool that you can use for keyword density analysis. However, it uses a different method to show you the keyword density in the text. Here you specify the article text and then it automatically shows you the density of different keywords and keyword combinations. It shows a list of single keywords, two-word keywords, and three word keywords. In the list of key phrases that it shows, you can see the density score in terms of percentage.

The interface of the website is very simple and it automatically calculates the density of the keywords. You just have to copy paste the target piece of text and it will list the various keywords from that automatically. It generates the different list of keyphrases with the corresponding density value. You can see that at the bottom side of its interface and analyze the data.

Keyword Density Analyzer Article Underground

keyword density analyzer

Keyword Density Analyzer is yet another free tool to analyze keywords in your post. The above tools that I have mentioned take the text from you. But, this website works in a different way. It takes the URL of the page that you want to analyze and then automatically lists the keywords for you. Along with the list of keywords, it shows the corresponding density as percent. You can see, that it makes different groups of the keywords and show them to you. And along with the keywords density, you can see meta tag analysis and website’s server details.

Using this website to calculate keyword density is very simple. Just enter the URL of the post you want to analyze for keywords. It will grab the content and will list the keywords for you along with their keyword density value. You can analyze the whole report and then make necessary changes in the content if there is a need for that.

Keyword Density Tool by SEOCentro

Keyword Density Tool by SeoCentro

Keyword Density Tool by SEOCentro is the last free tool in my list that you can try to see the keyword density. Just like the tool above, it takes the URL of the target page on which you want to perform keyword density analysis. It grabs all the keywords used in the post whose link you have provided. It then makes a detailed report of keywords and then you can analyze that. However, you will not be able to export it. It grabs keywords from anchor text, page title, headings, and show the keyword density percentage.

This is again a very simple website to check keyword density on a specific page. Access its homepage and then enter the URL that you want to analyze for keyword density. After scanning the specified page, it will list all the keywords along with the density percentage. You can simply analyze the keyword density and then you are free to do whatever you like.

Final Words

These are the best free websites that I have found to check keyword density in a desired text. Also, if you have a URL of a post then you can easily analyze the keyword density. All the websites that I have listed work perfectly when it comes to find the keyword density. So, if you are looking for some keyword density checker tools, then this article will be helpful. Out of all these, I will recommend you to use Live Keyword AnalysisKeyword Density Tool by SEOCentro, and Keyword Density Tool by FreeSEOSource.


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