7 Free Pet Symptoms Checker Websites to Identify Pet Diseases

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Pet Symptom Checker Websites are online tools that provide valuable information on health and probable diagnosis of certain conditions based on the symptoms that you enter. There are some websites that also advise you on whether urgent medical attention should be sought for your pets in case of emergencies and what should be the procedure for it.

With a vast number of households owning a pet and an equally good number of people searching online for health and diagnostic information pertaining to their pets, there is a great demand for such tools on the world wide web.

In this article, we will be listing 7 Pet Symptoms Checker Websites that can assist you to identify their diseases and take the necessary actions.

1. Cooper Pet Care

This website provides health information and helps you to identify pet diseases by selecting the main symptoms and answering a few important questions. You can also get a quick advice on the probable steps that need to be followed subsequently.

Simply choose if you have a Cat or Dog as a pet, specify the symptoms that best describe the pet’s condition and answer a few important questions based on the symptoms that you have specified. At the end, Cooper Pet Care will provide information about the condition, what the symptoms may signify, and what are the next possible steps that you must follow. You can also schedule an online appointment with a Vet if required.

Overall, Cooper Pet Care is a good Symptoms Checker tool that you can use for your Pets and provide some early intervention to safeguard its health and wellness. The tool is available for Phones, Tablets as well as a Web application.

Click here to navigate to Cooper Pet Care Symptoms Checker

Copper Pet Care

Copper Pet Care

2. Pet Coach

This symptoms checker is assisted by close to 2,500 articles written by the veterinarians themselves and supplies quick and precise answers based on the health symptoms of your pets. Simply select the symptom that best identifies your dog’s or cat’s condition, and you get instant results that you can read through and take valuable advice from them.

Pet Coach offers a list of approximately 25 symptoms that your pet may be experiencing. If your pet’s symptoms aren’t on the list, then this website will not be of much help to you. In that case you probably need to use some other tools that we have listed in this article.

Click her to navigate the Symptoms Checker tool of Pet Coach.

Pet Coach

Pet Coach

3. PetMD

This is one of the most used websites for information on pet health and checking symptoms. PetMD is a part of a network of veterinary professionals from across the world while the content has been approved by their own veterinary team as well.

Simply select the type of Pet – Cat or Dog and choose the body part affected from the drop-down of the full body outline. A list of conditions associated with the selected body part will be displayed. Select the symptom that best identifies with your pet’s conditions and a list of articles will be presented that provide you with valuable inputs on the potential medical condition that your pet is afflicted with.

Click here to navigate to PetMD Symptoms Checker.

Pet MD

Pet MD

4. Tamarack Pet Health Checker

This is yet another Pet Symptoms Checker tool that you can use to understand and interpret the conditions that your pet is encountering.

Just click on the image of the dog or the cat to identify your pet, select the symptoms that best match the condition of your pet and the website will try to give you valuable inputs and overview as well as the level of urgency associated with the condition. Alternatively, you also type and search for the symptoms.

Click here to navigate to Tamarack Pet Health Checker



5. Pets WebMD

This is a wonderful website that you can use for checking and understanding Pet Symptoms to take the necessary action. There are separate links (URLs) for this tool for dogs and cats. You have the option of selecting the Conditions, Symptoms or Behavior of your pet to try to narrow down and understand what it is afflicted with.

Simply click on one of the options to start with, select the Condition, Symptom or Behavior depending on what option you have chosen in the beginning and go through the valuable and extensive information that will be presented.

Overall, Pets WebMD is a great Pet Symptoms Checker tool with authentic content that has been developed by highly experienced Veterinary professionals.

Click here to access Pets WebMD for Dogs, and click here to if you are a Cat owner.

Pets WebMD

Pets WebMD

6. Animal Patient

This is a unique Pet Symptoms Checker tool that provides you with an interactive diagram to understand how and where Pet symptoms overlap and gives you valuable information regarding the conditions.

Simply navigate to the website, scroll down till you reach the interactive diagram and hover your mouse on any disease (left side) or symptoms (right side). You will be able to easily find out the link between the two. At the same time, more information about the conditions will be provided on the right side of the diagram that you can read, understand and plan the subsequent course of action. For further information on the conditions you can click on the links that have been provided.

To visit Animal Patient Symptoms Checker tool, click here

Animal Patient

Animal Patient

7. VetHelpDirect

Next, lets have a look at the Pet Symptoms Checker tool from VetHelpDirect. It presents a simple and quick way to identify potential causes behind your pet’s health problems and plan the next few steps.

Simply choose the pet that you have such as Dogs, Cats, Rabbits and many more, select the Symptoms from the drop-down and continue responding to all the questions that will be asked by the tool by clicking on the correct or best answers. Towards the end, the tool will give you an idea obout the urgency of the medical condition and information regarding what could be the problem, what to do next, first aid advice (if any) and more. You must click on the relevant links to access all this information. You can also get all these details printed and take it to your consulting Vet as a case sheet.

All in all, this is a good Symptoms Checker tool for Pets and unlike the earlier websites, it covers a lot of pets in addition to cats and dogs.

To navigate to VetHelpDirect, click on this link

Vet Help Direct

Vet Help Direct

You must remember that the above websites and tools are only to help you understand the conditions that your pet is facing and the level of urgency associated with seeking medical attention. They do not provide diagnosis or treatment advice. Only a Professional Veterinarian is authorized and licensed to diagnose illness or disease and prescribe medicines.

Free/Paid: Free

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