5 Pregnancy Extensions For Google Chrome

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Here’s a list of 5 Google Chrome pregnancy extensions which you can use to keep track of pregnancy progress and also to find useful pregnancy related information. Being pregnant isn’t something that ought to be taken lightly. You need to read up and be informed on a lot of do’s and don’ts because it’s your babies life that’s at stake after all.

With the following extensions you can find out when exactly your due date is gonna be, how to properly hold your baby, etc. They’re basically “What to expect when you’re expecting” alternative for your Google Chrome, how neat is that?

RS Pregnancy CountDown

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This is a pregnancy extension that you can use to show in a small top right corner icon either the amount of time left until the due date, or the age of your child, if it was already born.

Image above shows us Pregnancy CountDown in action. In order for it to function, you’re first gonna have to set it up by right clicking on the icon and selecting the work mode. Due date countdown or baby age monitor. Once you’ve done that, the number in the top right corner should refresh and change automatically.

Get RS Pregnancy CountDown.

Nemours Pregnancy Calendar

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Nemours Pregnancy Calendar is basically like Pregnancy CountDown only it’s a bit more advanced, as you can see from the image above.

With this free pregnancy extension for Chrome you’ll be able to actually see how your baby looks like at various stages of pregnancy. A short text snippet is also provided where various different info, tips and advice on what’s going on can be found.

Get Nemours Pregnancy Calendar.

Pregnancy Calculator

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Up until now we’ve mentioned two pregnancy extensions that each in their own way can help you keep track of the actual pregnancy, but what we failed to cover is a pregnancy extension for finding out the due date.

Pregnancy Calculator fixes that. To find out your due date, you just have to type in the first day of the last menstrual period. Pregnancy Calculator does the rest.

Get Pregnancy Calculator.

Ovulation, Pregnancy Calculator

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In order to be pregnant, you need to get pregnant. Getting pregnant might be easy for a lot of people out there, but there are other, less fortunate couples which are gonna have to try a little harder.

With Ovulation, Pregnancy Calculator you can perform dozens of pregnancy related calculations to find out when you’re ovulating, due date, etc.

Get Ovulation, Pregnancy Calculator.


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Now that we’re covered everything leading up to the pregnancy and the pregnancy itself, for our last pregnancy extensions we’re gonna share with you BabyCareAtoZ.

You will probably already know a lot of the advice that’s given with this app, but it’s great if you want to be reminded, or if you’re really behind with all the important baby info that you need to know and due date is just around the corner.

Get BabyCareAtoZ.


We recommend that you install all the extensions and apps mentioned here because they are a great way to learn about pregnancy. Let us know what you think in the comment section down below.

Works With: Google Chrome
Free/Paid: Free

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