Aptana RadRails – Free IDE for Ruby and Ruby on Rails

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Aptana RadRails is a free development tool that allows programmers working with Ruby or Ruby on Rails to utilise a fully featured free IDE for programming. This free IDE for Ruby is an excellent tool for programmers using these tools to debug code and ensure that the code they produce is completely free of errors. Aptana RadRails comes from the makers of Aptana Studio.

Code debugging in Aptana RadRails

With this free programming utility, it is simple for developers to produce quality code through the Ruby and Ruby on Rails programming environments. Aptana RadRails is a free development tool that seeks to aid users of programming software to use a more convenient free IDE for programming in order to get their job done.

Other free development tools that do similar jobs include DreamCoder, TOra and Code Blocks. These tools do a similar job to Aptana RadRails, covering different programming environments.

Features of Aptana RadRails:

  • Aptana RadRails includes an intelligent code assist tool
  • Integrated tool to debug code
  • Syntax coloring to highlight specific code portions and values
  • Hierarchal outline of your work using this free IDE for programming
  • Powerful search tools to find errors and navigate code
  • Specific views for Ruby features in this free IDE for Ruby

Aptana RadRails is a comprehensive free IDE for Ruby that simplifies many of the jobs that programmers are faced with each day. The simple interface of the free development tool – including the excellent syntax highlighting and search functions – makes these procedures very easy indeed. This means that programmers using Aptana RadRails have far higher productivity overall than those that don’t utilise this free IDE for programming.

Overall, this free programming utility is an excellent tool that has a huge variety of features to ensure that programmers working with Aptana RadRails have a far more convenient job than those who don’t. Similar tools to make programming easier include CodeLite.

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Works With: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Free/Paid: Free

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