How to Disable Autoplay feature in YouTube

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YouTube has come up with this new feature of Autoplay, where the next video in the list gets played automatically after 10 seconds. This is nice because you don’t have to click on the next video to play it. It automatically keeps on playing the next video in the list as soon as the one you are watching gets over. But, it can be annoying too because this way you would end up watching back to back videos and waste your time without realizing. So what needs to be done is, the autoplay feature needs to be disabled. Which is pretty easy, you will realize in a minute.

When you are done watching a video on YouTube, you will see the title of the next video in the list and a Black circle with a play button under it. And you will see a White timer going round the circle. This can be seen in the below screenshot. The timer takes about 10 second to complete, at the end of which the next video in the list is played.

disable autoplay in youtube

How To Disable Autoplay in YouTube:

Step 1: Go to YouTube and play a video you want to watch.

Step 2: In the video player window, look at the bottom right corner. You will see a settings icon, click this icon. This will bring up a pop up window as shown below.

youtube autoplay settings

Step 3: The very first option here is autoplay with a flip switch. Autoplay can easily be switched on or off from here.

Another way to disable Autoplay feature:

Step 1: While you are watching a video look at the list of up next videos on the right hand side. At top right hand side of this list you will see a option of autoplay with a flip switch. This can be seen in the below screenshot.

youtube autoplay flip button

Step 2: From here you can easily switch autoplay feature on or off.

As I said, its very easy to disable the Autoplay feature in YouTube. In case you do not like this feature go ahead and disable it easily. And when you do need this feature it can be enabled as easily.

You can also check out how to disable annotations on all YouTube videos.

Works With: YouTube
Free/Paid: Free

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