Free Vine to MP3 Converter Website

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MP3Vine is a free web service to convert Vine to MP3 format and also lets you download the converted MP3 file. Vine as we all know is a website and app which lets you create and upload short looping fun videos. Now what if you want to extract audio from a Vine video you like. Then you come to this website MP3Vine and easily convert the Vine video to MP3 format. The converted MP3 format can then be downloaded easily to your device. The converted MP3 file can be shared easily through mail or other social media formats. The website is pretty minimal with only the options that you require.

Let’s look at this Vine to MP3 Converter:

You can open this website using the link given at the end of this article. The home page of the website is minimal and looks like the screenshot given below.

vine to mp3 converter

You will only find the options required for the conversion, apart from that the website does not have any other options to confuse you. Paste the URL of the Vine video you want to convert in the text box provided on the home page.

After that click on the convert to mp3 button. After a few seconds your converted file will be shown below the text box as shown in the screenshot below.

vine to mp3 converter 1

You can see that there is a download button right in front of the converted MP3 file. Just click the download mp3 button and the file will start downloading. That is it, you have your converted mp3 file which you can share easily with anyone.

Only one URL can be converted at a time, but you can convert as many URL’s as you like.

You can also check out a list of free MP3 converters for Windows.


Overall, I found this Vine to MP3 converter pretty good and easy to use. The website does what it says perfectly. Converting a file is simple and takes only a few seconds. The MP3 file can be downloaded and saved to a location of your choice. So in case you want to share just the audio from a Vine video, then this is the perfect way to convert.

Check out MP3Vine here.

Free/Paid: Free

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