Lunar/Solar Phase Information App For Windows 10: SbeMoon

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SbeMoon is a free app for Windows 10 which gives you information about lunar and solar phases on your device at a glance. The app is very lightweight and is a great download for astro-fanatics who like to stay updated on interstellar updates about moon, sun and the like. Launching the app will automatically fetch your location and show you the time and the moon phase according to your location. The app also shows tiles of weekly moon phase updates, and also shows the tiles that show when the next lunar or solar eclipse is going to occur. These are interactive tiles and clicking on these will show you a detailed pane of when the event is going to happen along with a countdown timer ticking away.

SbeMoon is available for free from the Windows App Store.

Main features of SbeMoon for Windows 10…

Launching the app straight off presents you with the below shown interface.SbeMoon Main Screen
As can be seen above, the app lists the moon phase information as Waxing Crescent for the day along with the current time. The app also can be scrolled towards the right side to display detailed information about Moon and sun phases. You can view the detailed weekly information of Moon phases in the light blue tiles on the right. Scrolling further to the right, you can click on the tiles regarding lunar eclipses to show detailed information of the same, like is shown in the screenshot below.SbeMoon detailed moon phase informationClicking on the back button at the top left corner of the screen takes you back immediately to the main interface again. In the above screen you can see a Time left countdown timer which keeps ticking away constantly. Similarly in the app’s main interface, you can also click on sun phase information to be presented with the solar information.SbeMoon detailed sun phase information

The app is not resource hungry at all and can be run in the background without worrying too much of a battery drain. The app is very lightweight and is a must have for people who like to stay updated about celestial bodies and their behavior.

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SbeMoon is a great app which you can grab for absolutely no cost whatsoever from the Windows App Store. All you have to do is head over to the link below, and click install in the Store interface which pops up on your Windows 10 machine!

Get SbeMoon.

Works With: Windows 10
Free/Paid: Free

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