5 Free Websites to Get Twitter Symbols

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Here is a list of 5 free websites to get Twitter symbols. All of these websites are free to use and let you choose from a wide category of symbols that you can post on Twitter. You can choose from symbols like people, object, nature, place, special, etc. All the websites support copying the symbols, which can be pasted by you in your tweet. Some of them also let you compose the tweet from the website itself, add smileys and emoticons with one click, and then copy-paste the whole tweet.

All of these website allow you to use all the Twitter symbols without any need of having an account. So let’s get started with them one by one.

1. Pilliapp:


Pilliapp is the first website in the list to get Twitter symbols. The website has 6 categories: People, Nature, Object, Place, Special, and Letter. Pilliapp shows all symbols at the bottom with a text box at top. Clicking on any symbol directly inserts it into the text box where you can type in your tweet. The text box has two options: Copy and Tweet. The Copy option lets you copy the tweet for posting it manually while the Tweet option posts the tweet for you automatically, you only have to authorize Pilliapp for doing so.

2. Simbolos Twitter:

Simbolos Twitter

Simbolos Twitter offers Twitter symbols across 9 categories: Various, Arrows, Hands, Stars, Abc, Chess, Horoscope, Patterns, and Technical. This website also has a text box where the selected symbol gets pasted automatically. It doesn’t have a one-click option to copy the tweet, but you can do that using the traditional way of Ctrl+A, followed by Ctrl+C. Other than this, you can choose to send the tweet automatically by clicking on Send button.

3. i2Symbol:


The third website on the list i2Symbol has 6 categories of special symbols to use in tweets. This website also offers same feature of adding the symbols to the box automatically with option to tweet manually or automatically. The good thing about this Twitter symbols website is that the text box remains fixed like it is overlaid and only the webpage moves. It makes it easier for you to type tweet, especially when your desired symbol is at the bottom of the page. The website also has an option which lets you to paste the tweet in Arabic writing style (from right to left). It means that smiley will be pasted in the text box from right to left too.

4. Twsym:


Twsym is the fourth website for you to check out Twitter symbols. This website doesn’t have any categories of symbols and all the available ones are shown in form of a grid. This website also don’t let you tweet automatically. You have to compose tweet on Twitter and choose symbol from Twsym. To select, you have to double click on the desired symbol followed by Ctrl+C. The selected symbol is highlighted with a Blue colored boundary.

5. MessLetters:


MessLetters is the last website in the list. This website has a wide collection of Twitter symbols spread across categories: Emoticons, Shapes, Symbols, Characters, and Text Art. Just like Twsym, you have to select the the desired symbol and copy it. When you’ve copied the symbol, simply paste it in the tweet wherever you want to use that smiley.

These are the 5 free websites to get Twitter symbols. Use them to make your tweets more expressive and unique from the the rest of other tweets.

You may also like: 10 Free Online Glitter Text Generator.

Free/Paid: Free

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