5 Free Websites To Learn Acupressure Online

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Here is a list of 5 free websites to learn acupressure online. These websites have various articles to teach you various acupressure points and much more.

Acupressure, for a long time in history, has been considered as an alternative method of treatment for ailments related to mental, physical, psychological, emotional level in a human being. It is considered to be drugless healing system, which it is, that works beyond human discoveries. But, its only very recently that this system of healing a human has received its deserved attention and place among our generation. It has also become a popular career choice for many. All this recent attention has resulted in many websites coming up with a lot of informative articles and tutorials to teach people some techniques of acupressure. 5 such websites have been reviewed for you below.

The websites reviewed in this article are Acupressure.com, Explore IM, Soundtells, PointFinder, and Stress-Away.com.


learn acupressure online

The first website in this article to learn acupressure online is Acupressure.com. Here you will find a lot of stuff relevant to the art of acupressure. There are eBooks on the website that contain a lot of helpful material on various tricks and techniques. Although these eBooks come at a price, there are a few sample articles that you can go through. Since this in not enough, the website also has free videos and articles that you can subscribe to. Just register your email id with the website and you will start receiving these free videos and articles that will teach you a lot. The option to register is given on the page for which the link is given above.

Acupressure.com is not just about videos, and sample articles. It also provides you with a history and need of Acupressure. What is Acupressure? What are its Methods? How is it Beneficial? All such answers have been provided in this detailed overview, on the home page of the website.

Explore IM:

learn acupressure online

Explore IM is the second website reviewed here to learn acupressure online. This is not a website where you will find all the information related to the field of acupressure. Instead, the idea of this website is to provide beginners with a platform to learn the basics and then move forward for thereon. On this website, you will find a list of eight commonly used acupressure points. These points have been discussed in detail, along with details. You can go through these points, and also read the brief summary that explains you the meaning of Acupressure.

The content of this website is specifically meant for beginners. They can learn the basics and then look at some other platform to in-depth learning.


learn acupressure online

The next website to learn acupressure online is Soundtells. You can learn a lot of acupressure points on this website. The tutorials come along with images to explain things perfectly and clearly. All types of illness, related to various parts of the body are mentioned, and you just have to pick your choice. The website will then proceed with your choice and provide you with the details. Go through all the pages to learn the points and read the explanations clearly. There is no registration required and no money charged.

The interface of the website is quite dull and does not give you the feel that it contains such vast knowledge. This is one area that I feel can be worked upon. Nevertheless, go ahead and take a look at this website from the link above.


learn acupressure online

Another website to learn acupressure online for free is PointFinder. It acquaints you in detail about all the benefits and methods of Acupressure. Alongside these benefits, you will also find a section that lists all the warnings, in case you are pressing the points wrong. So, go through this introduction and be careful while implementing these techniques.

To learn acupressure points on this website, you will have to select a part of the body for which you wish to learn the points. There is a menu given on the left hand side. It includes all the parts of your body. When you select one from this list, a new window will open up, providing you all the information about that particular points. Similarly, you can access the information for other parts as well.


learn acupressure online

Stress-Away is the final website to learn acupressure online. This website has quite a lot to offer. Allow me to mention some of the important information point by point.

  • Firstly, the website has around 10-12 free lessons on acupressure that teach you the basics and techniques of Acupressure. You can subscribe for free to receive these lessons, that are sent to your inbox. These lessons are in PPT format.
  • Secondly, the website offers a lot of articles that teach you various acupressure points for different parts of your body. The link to these articles will be available once you subscribe for free lessons.
  • Last, but not the least, the website has an article titled “Acupressure Principles” and a PDF file containing information on Acupressure Tools. Go through them and see what you can find.

All these above mentioned websites provide a good deal of knowledge relating to the field of Acupressure. The best is that you are not even charged a single penny for all this. Try them out and give us your feedback through comments.

You can also read our post on 5 Free Websites To Learn Stretch Exercises Online

Free/Paid: Free

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