Send Large Files Upto 1 GB Free Without Any Registration: File Shift

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File Shift is a free online file sharing service that allows to send large files upto 1 GB without any registration process. You only need to enter your email address, receiver’s email address, and upload file on File Shift that you want to transfer. Uploading speed is also good but still it depends on your Internet connection. Unlike some similar file sharing services, File Shift lets you view whether your file is downloaded by the recipient or not. Thus, you will be able to keep track of your sent and downloaded files. But to avail the benefit of this feature, you need to register with File Shift.

In below screenshot, you can see the list of transferred and downloaded files (at right side). And at the left part, you can see how you can send large files using File Shift.

File Shift- send large files online

How To Send Large Files With File Shift?

As mentioned earlier, there is no registration needed to send large files with File Shift, if you don’t want to keep track of sent and downloaded files. If you want to keep record of transferred files, you can sign up with username, password, and email id. To send a large file (max. 1 GB), access homepage of File Shift. One file at a time could be sent to one receiver using File Shift. Its homepage link is present at the end of this article. On its homepage, provide your email address, receiver’s email address, upload file that you want to send, and a message (optional).

File Shift- upload file to send

After this, your file will start uploading to File Shift servers. Once the uploading process will be completed, an email along with link to download the uploaded file will be sent to receiver, and you will get a message that your file has been sent.

Now the receiver will be able to download the file sent by you with just few clicks. Download link of that file will be available at the end of that download page.

File Shift- download the file

Some Key Features Present In Online File Shift File Sharing Service are:

  • A handy service to send large files online without any sign up process.
  • If you wish to register with File Shift, then you will be able to keep track of sent and downloaded files.
  • Max. 1 GB file can be shared with friends. Any kind of file could be sent with File Shift.
  • Completely free service. Very easy to use.
  • An uploaded file can be downloaded upto seven days. After this time period, file will be deleted automatically from servers.
  • Just few simple steps are needed to upload a file to File Shift.

We have also reviewed 5 free software to send large files.


File Shift is one of the easy and handy service to send large files. 1 GB is sufficient size for most of the users. But File Shift is able to send only a single file to a single user at a time. You cannot upload multiple files together. To send multiple files together, you can check FileFriend, Justbeamit, and OneTimeBox.

And to try File Shift yourself, click here.

Free/Paid: Free

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