Get Free Stock Price Notifications with Stock Ticker 7

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Stock Ticker 7 is a free stock price widget for Windows which you can use in order to keep track of multiple stock market ticker prices at the same time. Reporting prices isn’t the only thing that Stock Ticker can do, you can also setup your portfolio, manage transactions, and last but not least, this free stock market ticker price tracker allows you to access the latest news from all the major financial websites, so you will be informed about what’s going on.

Stock Ticker 7 default window

On the image above you can see the stock price ribbon, which is where, once that the tickers of the stocks who’s prices you’re interested in tracking are setup, prices will be refreshed and updated. Left clicking on the Add Data area will open up a menu where you can open up the previously mentioned portfolio, but also additional settings. Key features of Stock Ticker 7 – free stock price notifier for Windows are:

  • Small and very easy to understand interface – long ribbon-like style
  • Comes with built-in portfolio manager – keep track of transactions
  • Add and keep track of prices for unlimited number of users
  • Adjustable ticker refresh times are available – 1,2,3,4,5 seconds
  • Always on top option – run the application on top of all windows
  • Alerts available – notifications for when the price dips down or up

Stock market brokers have to be on top of stock prices all the time, especially those who you have invested money in a certain stock. Normally you would have to open up web browser and then refresh the web page. With Stock Ticker you can do this automatically and conveniently. Here’s a few pointers to help you get started.

Similar software: StockViz, TickVue, AceStock.

How to keep track of stock market prices using tickers with Stock Ticker 7

Like the short instruction that waits for you says, left click anywhere inside the white section of the Stock Ticker interface and select Edit Tickers.

Stock Ticker 7 price tickers

Click on Add and at the small pop-up that appears type in the ticker for the stock that you would like to track and for whose price you’d like to receive updates. Two other tabs are available which can be used to access the transactions and altert settings, to add tickers for which you would like to be notified:

Stock Ticker 7 working

Once that the tickers are setup, they should be updated right away in the notification ribbon. Left click and select Portfolio if you’re interested in tracking it. Next to receiving stock price notifications.


Stock Ticker 7 is the perfect tool for all those who are involved in stock market trading. Not only that you get a live stock price tracker, which can refresh prices almost instantly, every second, but you also get a portfolio and transaction manager. Everything is highly customizable, application is very lightweight and easy to setup and use. Despite of the fact that Stock Ticker is still in beta, we haven’t noticed any kind of major bugs, crashes or issues. Try it, you have nothing to lose, only to gain. Free download.

Works With: Windows
Free/Paid: Free

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