Flappy Bird Online To Experience Flappy Bird in Browser

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I know, it is becoming too much now. I have already reviewed two versions of Flappy Bird online here and here, and here I am reviewing this third version. I seem to have become Flappy Bird crazy. When I reviewed the last version, I told myself that I am not gonna do any other Flappy bird online review, but then I cam across this one and I found it better than other two, and I knew I had to write about it. So, if you have had patience with me till now and have been trying the Flappy bird online versions I reviewed earlier, I request you to have a bit more patience and try this one as well; I promise it won’t disappoint you.

Like other Flappy Bird online alternatives, this one is also pretty simple. You just go to its website and start playing. Nothing to download or register.


How to Play Flappy Bird Online Free:

Go to homepage of this Flappy bird lookalike here. Once there, just click on screen to start the game. As Flappy Bird works with touch, this one works with mouse clicks. Just keep clicking your mouse to keep the bird in air. As in the case of original Flappy Bird, you will need to navigate this Flappy Bird also through the pipes, without letting it fall or touch any pipe.

Flappy Bird Navigation

Now, I said in the beginning that I found it much better than other versions of Flappy Bird that I reviewed earlier. That is because I find this website much more responsive than the ones I checked earlier. And The game is also a bit easier to play (I was able to get to a high score of 5; my almost highest score in Flappy Birds).

In addition to this, this online version also has a nice background sound that plays whenever you click mouse and I liked that a lot.

My Opinon About Flappy Bird:

Frankly, if I were you, I would have been totally fed up of so many Flappy Bird articles that we have been pushing out (in case you didn’t know, we did a few on Android and iPhone as well). But if you are a true Flappy Bird fan, like me, you will appreciate that we haven’t given up on Flappy Bird, despite the developer deciding to pull the plug.

If you have to try just one version of Flappy Bird, then that should be this one.

Try it here.

Free/Paid: Free

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