Free Website to Promote Physical Fitness in Kids through Videos

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GoNoodle is a free website for kids to encourage them to participate in physical fitness activities while having fun at the same time. The website has a good collection of videos which can help kids get 2-5 minutes of exercises easily. The exercises are quite fun and include dancing which can be done anywhere.

When you go to the home page of this website, you will be asked to sign in and create a account with the website. Before creating a account you will be asked if you are a parent or a teacher. After choosing that you have to put in a username, password, and email address. A confirmation email will be sent to you to confirm your email account. Once that is done you have to choose your champ, who will be narrating and helping you out through out the website. The given champs screen looks like the one shown below.

gonoodle champs

Once you have chosen your champ, you are shown a small guide or intro video where you get to meet your champ and he tells you all about the website. Your champ can be seen in the screenshot below.

gonoodle intro

After watching this video, you can go ahead and explore the content available on this website. You can also go to channels tab which will show all the channels listed on the website, where you can go and watch the video, like can be seen in the screenshot below.

gonoodle channels

You can go to the categories menu and explore the content in there. The screenshot below shows the categories view. You can choose activities like guided dancing, stretching, sports and exercises, etc.

gonoodle categories

Choose any activity which you would love doing and start with it. Teachers can use these videos in class to get the kids moving, and parents can use them at home to divert minds of kids from videos games to some physical activity.

Features of this website to promote physical fitness in kids:

  • Promote physical fitness in kids.
  • Lots of videos to watch and follow.
  • 2-5 minutes exercise videos.
  • Avatars to represent kids.
  • Useful for both teachers and parents.
  • Browse videos category wise, channel wise or search for them.
  • Fun video make exercising fun.


GoNoodle is a fun website which helps kids stay fit by offering them short exercise video. These videos can be searched for with name or browse through them on the website. Teachers can use this website in the class to do the same while parents can also take advantage of the app by playing along with the kids. Kids can track how many minutes they have been playing and choose avatars to represent them.

Check out GoNoodle here.

Free/Paid: Free

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