Coollector Free Movie Database

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Coollector is a free movie catalog that lets you organize videos on your PC, and also access complete movie encyclopedia. You can select a movie from the encyclopedia, and associate a movie from your PC with that.

Coollector is unique concept to provide you free movie database engine. Coollector is not only a movies database but it also allows you to maintain your list of owned movies and manage your own video library with this useful and handy freeware. This free movie catalog has a huge collection of movies you can browse through from the database.  You can decide what movies to watch by reading filmographies, rate the movies you have seen, and manage your video collection.

What is Coollector freeware?

Movie Encyclopedia

You will discover a huge collection of movies and series in this free online movies database. You can search and filter the movies as per your taste and take a quick glance of the movies and series that interest you. Also, rate your movies and personalize the search as per your choice. This is an amazing feature for movie lovers as, you need some input before you decide what to watch and whether to watch it on TV or theater.

When you see a movie name with a underline, it denotes that the movie is owned by you. Colored icons against the name of the movie show if you liked or disliked a movie. Also, it contains info about the film actors, directors, and film graphs of the celebs associated with movie industry. Sometime after reading that info you may discover a movie that you have not seen yet and would like to watch.

Owned Videos

Coollector allows you to maintain and manage a database of your owned movies and series. Make collection of DVD and Blu-Ray discs with this application and maintain your list of videos for easy scan and keep. Keep the list of owned movie and you can place them on the database for others to see. You can rate, sort and search them. By maintaining the collection with Coollector you can also keep track of the movies that you own, loaned and the ones returned back to you. This way you will know which movies are on the list but not actually with you and avoid loss of your valuable movie videos.

Existing Videos

Coollector also lets you add to your existing owned collection. It gives you best price information for a movie so you can catch up with good bargains and deals. Enhance your movie collections with smart discounts and deals with this freeware. You can also read Free Video Catalog and Ant Movie Catalog for maintaining a personal database of your movies.

You can print the list of videos for your records and use them while you verify the actual prints you have. Manage the videos stored on your computer’s disk. Associate video files with their corresponding movies and launch them by clicking the “play” icon. The program can even scan a folder on your computer and make the associations automatically for you.

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Works With: Windows
Free/Paid: Free

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