Official Reuters App For Windows 8 to Follow News, Business, Politics

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Reuters App is a free official Reuters app for Windows 8 app published by Thomson Reuters. This app brings news related to world, Business, Politics, Stock market, etc. This app provides a wide range of sections with comprehensive coverage. It includes different sections like: Top News, Business, Politics, Money, Stock Market, Entertainment, Science, Sports, and many more. The sections are organized in a very simple and easy to access way so that you can use the app with ease. You can also change the style and size of the text of any article. The app also lets you read news offline but internet connection is needed to update the news everyday.


Reuters app also contains news with videos. It provides various sections of videos like: Entertainment videos, Innovation videos, Oddly Enough videos, Top videos, etc.. This app contains a section named Slideshows which contains many photos captured/selected by top editors from the world.

Key Features of Reuters App For Windows 8:

  • Simple interface which lets you access news with ease.
  • Contains news of different sections like: world, Sports, Business,Politics, etc..
  • News with videos also available.
  • Shows photos with details from all over the world selected by top editors.
  • Comprehensive coverage of all news.
  • Also lets you change the font and style of the text.
  • Read news offline as well.
  • Shows news with details like date and time.
  • Shows US and UK versions.

You can also check out 5 Free News Apps for Windows 8 that we covered earlier.

Access News, Photos, and Videos of Reuters app easily:

You can get Reuters app from Windows store or by clicking on the link given at the end of this review.

After launching the app, You will find different sections of news, slideshows, and videos. Each section contains relevant news, photos, and videos. Slide right to find more sections.

Reuters_Home page

To check the provided sections, right click on the home page of the Reuters app. On the top of the screen, you will find different sections: Top News, Slideshows, Top videos,World, US, Politics, Business, Technology, Business Videos, Money, Entertainment, Entertainment Videos, Science, Innovation videos, Sports, Oddly Enough, and Oddly Enough videos. You can also check the latest episode of Inside the Ticker to follow stock markets.


All of the above mentioned sections come under three categories: News, Photos, and Videos.

News: This category contains news from the world. It contains comprehensive coverage of every news. You can follow sports, collect the details of any latest technology, access news related to business and politics, or even follow the entertainment world. You can also access the news or contents offline.


Reuters app lets you change the style and font of the text. To change, click on the article/news you want to read, then right click anywhere over the news. On the bottom right corner of the screen, you will find options: Text Style, and Text Font. Text font provides four different options to change the font: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large.

Reuters_Change sty;e and font of text

Photos: Reuters app contains a section “slideshows”, which contains a wide range of photos captured from all over the world. It also contains photos related to latest news.


The photos show their details as well. You can even hide or show the details of image as per your choice.

Reuters_Show details of photos

Videos: The app also covers some section of news with videos. Videos has sections like: Top videos, Business Videos, Entertainment Videos, Innovation videos, and Oddly Enough videos.



Reuters app is one of the best Windows 8 app for accessing different news. It has many videos and photos as well. I personally find this app to be very useful for me. The various sections of news and easy to use interface make the app simple to use. If your are looking for a news app for Windows 8, then you should try it.

Get Reuters app here.

Works With: Windows 8
Free/Paid: Free

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