Check Your English Grammar Level With 11 Online Grammar Test

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This article covers best websites which offer free online grammar test. By taking these tests, you get a general idea of your grammar level and can take further actions depending on your results.

All these grammar tests consist of sets of multiple choice questions where you have to select the most suitable answer for each question. In the end, they give you a score and tell your CEF grammar level by relating your score. Most of these tests also show you the corrects answers, so that you can compare your answers and learn from your mistakes.

Also Read: 5 Free Websites To Learn English Online

Here Are The Best Online Grammar Test To Check Your English Grammar Level: online english grammar text offers an online English grammar test which lets you be aware of your grammar level. The test features 30 questions which cover the majority of English grammar rules and aspects. It includes the use of articles, gender, tenses, grammar number, clauses, active-passive voice, along with questions to select correct/incorrect statements. These questions ask you to choose the right answer from the four given options.

When you finish the test, it gives you an English grammar score out of 100. There is a graph which shows how good your English is based on your grammar score. It also categories your grammar score from preschool to native level. This is a good educational self-awareness test that is pretty fun to take.

Give this a try here. online english grammar text has an online English grammar exercise designed for elementary level English learners. The test involves 10 questions which test your basic English grammar knowledge. These questions are fill in the blanks where you have to choose the grammatically correct words for the given statements. It covers the basic use of articles, tenses, verbs, clauses, inversion, grammatical number, gerunds, participles, negative and interrogative sentences.

In the end, it asks your name, country and email address along with a captcha to show your results. Then, it lists all the choices you marked for each question and shows which of your answers are right and which ones you got wrong. Based on your results, it gives you a percentage where each question holds a 10% share.

You can try this English Grammar exercise here. online english grammar text‘s English grammar/vocabulary test is designed to help people choose a suitable level of practice to improve their English. This test contains 15 questions which you have to answer under a time period of 10 minutes. You can take more than 10 minutes but that will affect your score. Unlike others, this test is dynamic, question difficulty fluctuates according to your responses. This test covers various major aspects of the English grammar.

In the end, your test is assessed at CEF (Common European Framework) level and it tells you at which level you lie on currently. It doesn’t show you the correct answers though but it gives you a relative TOEFL iBT IELTS score to get an idea. And, you can email those test results to your email address as well. You can access practice tests at different CEF levels at ExamEnglish.

Try this free English grammar test here. online english grammar text has an online grammar test to check your English grammar level. The test is quite large, featuring a total of 68 questions. With this huge number of questions, this test covers almost all sections of English grammar which certainly helps you get more precise results. However, you are not bound to answer all the questions, you can answer as minimum as one question and will still be able to submit the test.

After submission, it lists how many questions you answered correctly and shows your CEF level. It also shows you the test with all the correct answers highlighted along with all the choices you marked. And, if you want to check your grammar knowledge for any particular CFF level, you can take tests for any CEF level.

You can take this English grammar level test here. online english grammar text has an online grammar level test that features 40 questions. These are fill in the blanks questions where you have to select an option from the given choices which best satisfy the question statement. In case you don’t know the answer to any question, you can skip that and can move to the next one.

When you finish the test, it gives you a score out of 40 where each question resembles a point. It relates your score to CEF level and gives you a relative CEF level. OxfordOnlineEnglish also lets you see the correct answers with an explanation for each correct answer.

Take this online English grammar test here. online english grammar text‘s online English test contains 50 fill in the blank sentences where you have to choose the most suitable option for the blank. The text covers the use of tenses, articles, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, grammatical number, indirect speech, passive voice negative and interrogative sentences; almost every aspect of English grammar. You don’t have to answer every question in order to get results, but this will obviously affect your score.

In the end, it gives you a percentage score and tells your grammar level based on your responses. Below that, it shows you all the answers you marked along with highlighted correct answers.

Give ILSEnglish test a try here. online english grammar text

With Learn4Good‘s interactive grammar test, you can know your grammar level. It asks you around 40 multiple choice questions where you have to select the most suitable answer for each question. The exact number of questions depends on your responses to initial questions. In the results, this test reflects your relative FCE (First Certificate in English) level. And, it tells you for which Cambridge First Certificate (CFE) level you should prepare. This website also lists all reputed English school across the globe.

Check your English grammar level here. online english grammar text is an online English grammar guide which helps you learn English. It is a short online version of popular e-book “The Grammaring Guide to English Grammar”. It offers an online English grammar test that indicates your CEF grammar level. This test covers the various aspects of English grammar with 50 multiple choice questions. You have to select the most suitable choice for each question from the given options; you can also skip questions which you don’t want to guess.

When you finish the test, it gives you points out of 50; one point for each question. It also tells you which relative CEF grammar level your results reflect. For further assistance and help in English grammar, it refers you to “The Grammaring Guide to English Grammar” book.

You can check out this English grammar test here. online english grammar text‘s free online English grammar test helps you know your relative English grammar level. First of all, they ask for your name, email address and nationality before beginning the test. Later, the results of your test will be sent to that email address.

This test asks you 40 multiple choice questions covering various aspects of English grammar. There are fill in the blanks questions where you have to select the best possible option to complete the sentence. When you answer all 40 questions, it sends your score to your email address along with answer key. In the email, they let you know how many questions you answered correctly and which grammar level your score reflects.

Try British-Study online English grammar Test here. online english grammar text offers an online grammar test to check your English grammar level. This test is divided into four different levels:

  • Elementary (7 Questions)
  • Intermediate (9 Questions)
  • Upper Intermediate (10 Questions)
  • Advanced (9 Questions)

Each of these parts contains statements with a blank and asks you to choose the most suitable option from the given choices. With each level, it shows you how many questions you answered correctly and whether you pass the level or not.

Give this online English grammar test a try here. online english grammar text is a website with a motto to improve the English writing skills of its users. It offers online lessons, exercises, articles, test, etc. to achieve that. It has following grammar exercises where you can test your grammar level:

  • Affect vs. effect exercise (10 Questions)
  • Articles exercise (20 Questions)
  • Passive voice exercise (20 Questions)
  • Tense exercise (20 Questions)
  • Spelling exercise (20 Questions)

Each of these exercise consists multiple choice questions. And the end of each exercise, it tells you how many questions you answered correctly and gives you a percentage score for that. You can also see the correct answers to these exercises.

You can take this English grammar test here.

Wrapping Up

You can try these online English grammar test websites to know your grammar level. With these tests, you can know on which CEF grammar level you are on.

Free/Paid: Free

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