Estimate Size of your English Vocabulary with this Online Experiment

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How do you decide if your English is good? How many English words do you think you know? Well these are some questions which come to mind when you think of the level of English you are at. Now you can easily estimate the size of your English vocabulary with this online experiment. This English vocabulary experiment is run by Center for Reading Research at Ghent University, Belgium.

Through a series of yes or no words, this experiment can estimate the size of your English vocabulary. The data you enter will also be used for scientific studies.

Let’s see how to estimate the size of your English vocabulary.

First of all, when you land on this website through the link provided at the end of this article, you will see a screen like the one seen in the screenshot above. This is the home page of this website. To start the test you can click the go to the test button.

You can also follow this website on Facebook and Twitters. You can also check out the hashtag wordORnot on Twitter to see what people are saying about this website. When you click on the start button you will get a instructions screen which can be seen in the screenshot below.

The instructions given are pretty simple. You will be shown a word on your screen, if you know the word then press J from your keyboard and if you don’t know the word then press F from your keyboard. The test takes about 4 minutes to get completed and you can take the test as many times as you want. But keep in mind that the words are not repeated. If you take the test again the words will also be changed, and you won’t be getting the same words as you got the first time.

If you are taking part in this online experiment, then you are giving consent for your data being used in a scientific analysis of word knowledge. The website will also advise you to not say yes on words you do not know. Let’s continue to the next page.

The next page is your profile page, where you will be asked to answer some questions about yourself like age, gender, place you grew up in, highest degree of education, number of languages you speak, etc. At the end you will be asked to share your geo location by checking the given box. At the end click the red button which says start the test.

You will be shown a screen like the one above. Just a reminder to press F for no and J for yes. You can press the space bar when you are ready to start the test. The questions would appear on your screen in the below shown format.

You will be shown a word and along with it two options to register your choice. As soon as you press a button and make your choice, you will be shown the next word of the test. A progress bar will be displayed at the bottom of the page to let you know how many words are still remaining to be answered.

At the end of the test, you will be shown your result, which can also be seen in the screenshot above. The percentage or size of your English vocabulary will be shown at the top along with a progress bar. The green color in the progress bar indicates the right answers. You can share your results on Facebook, Twitter or via email.

A detailed description of your results is shown below. It shows the percentage of yes answers you gave for existing words, and the percentage of yes answers you gave for non words. At the bottom of the page you will be shown exactly which words you knew, words you did not know, non words you answered yes to, etc.


This is a nice website to get a estimate on how good your English vocabulary is. All you need is a few minutes of your time. Answer yes or no to words being shown to you and that is it. You can take the test over and over again to improve your English vocabulary as well. Try out this fun test to determine your English vocabulary strength.

Check out the English vocabulary test website here.

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