UrlShortener is a free URL shortener tool to shorten URLs using Bitly, Yon, PLink, Atrab. Here it lets you shorten a specific link using any of the supported services. And not only a single link but you can use it to bulk shorten links using a text file. It supports popular link shortening services like Bitly, Yon, PLink, Atrab, and Opizo. It runs on top of all windows and you can use it without any API key or signing up for an account. It runs as a standalone portable software and you can use it anytime to shorten URLs in bulk quickly.
There are tons of URL shortener that you can use to make links short. But you will have to use their web UI to do that. But this software has kept amazing URL shortener services in one place so that you can use it to make links short quickly. Just run the software and shorten a single or list of URLs anytime you want. The interface of the tool is very simple and you can easily get started with it.
Using this Free URL Shortener Tool to Shorten URLs using Bitly, Yon, PLink, Atrab:
UrlShortener is an open source tool for Windows to make links short. You can also think of it as Bitly client or client for other services that it supports. Download it from here and then simply open it up. After that, simply enter a link you want to shrink and then choose the service that you want to use for doing that. Finally, get the shorten link and then use it wherever you want.
Next advantage of this software is its ability to bulk shorten URLs. You can feed it a list of URLs via text file and then it will shorten them all or just the ones you select. It saves the list of URLs that it has shorten in a text file. To use the batch mode, simply switch to the List tab and then specify the text file of URLs. Select the service you want to use for shortening and hit the Start button.
There is an additional option on its interface to make it appear on top of all windows. It is useful if you frequently shorten URLs during work. The interface and functionality of this tool is very simple and you can shorten any URL using any service that it supports.
Closing thoughts
UrlShortener is an amazing software for Windows to bulk shorten links. And what is best about this software is that it supports multiple URL shortening services. You can choose any service to make single or multiple URLs shrink in one go. So, if you are looking for some free software to make short URLs using multiple services then this software will definitely come in handy.