Informed American Windows 8 App To Know About Congress Members, Bills

[yasr_overall_rating] [yasr_visitor_votes]

Informed American is a free app for Windows 8 which lets you find congress members and other high officials, their voting records and the different bills that they sponsor/co-sponsor. The app lets you to check the details of any representative (Congress member). You can find details like: their voting records, their special group ratings, etc.. It also lets you check who is financing the campaigns of the representative. You can even check their websites, Tweets, videos, and Facebook page directly from the app.

This app also lets you check how they are voting on different bills. You can even check their personal assets, transactions, when they were first elected, their next election, and their date of birth through this app. It also lets you add any representative in watchlist to track their details and see how your representatives are voting.

Informed Americans-Home

Informed American also shows what bills are in committee, waiting for house or senate, got Filibustered, Enacted, and just getting introduced. This app also lets you view representatives state wise.

The app uses data from Sunlight Labs, GovTrack, VoteSmart, and Open Secrets.

Key Features of Informed American App:

  • Build your own watchlist to follow any congress member.
  • Find different voting records.
  • Check campaign financing info.
  • Transactions and personal assets information of the representative.
  • Find which bills are getting introduced and which are waiting for house and senate.
  • View members state wise.
  • Find how every representative voted for any specific bills.

How to use Informed American app for Windows 8?

You can get Informed Americans app from Windows store or use the link given at end of this review.

After launching the app, you will find different categories: Watchlist, 113th congress, and Latest House/Senate.

Watchlist: This option lets you to track your representative and how they are voting. You can click on any representative to view their details like their date of birth, their next election, their voting for different bills, etc..

Informed Americans-Watchlist

You can add any representative in watchlist. To add, right click the home page, and then click on Add member. Select a state, and then click on the representative you want. It shows every member of that particular state. After choosing representative, click on done to save it.

 Informed Americans-Add a member

You can also check their personal assets, who is financing their campaigns, their transactions, etc. by clicking Campaign Finance. If you want, you can read their tweets and replies, their videos, and even check their website directly from this page.

Informed Americans-Representative details

You can find representatives state wise. To find representatives, right click on home screen and then click on state view option. Choose any state to view its representatives.

113th Congress: The option lets you to view Bills that are just introduced, in House or Senate, in committee, got Filibustered, and Enacted.

Informed Americans-113th congress

To view any bill, click on its category, and then on the bill. You will find the details of the bill like: its sponsor, Title, When it was introduced, and Vote actions. You can follow the bill as well. If you follow any bill, then it is displayed on the home page of the app. You can even read the bill by clicking on Read this Bill, as shown in the below screenshot.

Informed Americans-Bill

Latest House/Senate: This option lets you track different activities of the House and Senate with details like date, Time, and Voting topic.

Informed Americans-Latest Senate


Informed American is a good app to keep up with your representative and their various details. You can even follow any bill and its voting action. So if you are looking for any such app, then you should try it.

Get Informed American here.

Works With: Windows 8
Free/Paid: Free

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