5 DIY Idea Apps For Android

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Here’s a list of 5 DIY idea apps for Android which can be used to find “do it yourself” project ideas. I’m not really a DIY kinda guy, mainly because I can’t think of anything that would be worth making. That’s why I decided to find ideas for DIY projects using Android apps, to get me started. Some of these apps offer just images of finished projects, without instructions. Others offer at least some basic instructions on how to create a certain project.

Let’s see what exactly it is that these apps have to offer.

2000 DIY Ideas

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2000 DIY ideas is a mixed bag of around 2000 DIY ideas and projects. There are seven categories, arts & crafts, food, gardening & outdoors, fashion, lifehacks, home decor and health & beauty.

Note that you’ll have to flip to the second page right away after selecting a certain category. There’s a bug that doesn’t show anything on the first page. Some of the DIY ideas have instructions, like the one on the image above, but most are just images of finished items to help you get started.

Get 2000 DIY Ideas.

DIY Project Ideas by Doknow

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DIY Project Ideas by Doknow isn’t as simplistic as 2000 DIY Ideas is. It won’t just show you finished projects. Instructions are also given, images of all the steps involved and also text instructions.

One small drawback of this app lies in the fact that it doesn’t have categories. You just swipe left-right in order to flip through the ideas. They can be shared via social networks or saved to a local gallery.

Get DIY Project Ideas by Doknow.

Also, have a look at Free Educational Website To Stream Random Educational Videos.

DIY Ideas by Ozuzilapps

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DIY Ideas by Ozuzilapps has a selection of offline and online DIY ideas. It’s also one of those DIY idea apps that’s actually updated on occasion with new creative ideas for projects.

It even has push notifications that let you know when new ideas were added to the app. Multiple galleries of DIY ideas are available, but they aren’t categorized, which is a small drawback. Ideas you like can be saved locally as an image (if they are only accessible online).

Get DIY Ideas by Ozuzilapps.

DIY Craft Step

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DIY Craft Step is a nicely organized DIY idea app that offers not just ideas for projects but also step by step instructions for some of the DIY crafts in its database.

After launching the app you’re first going to see a list of all the categories that the app has to offer. They are arts & crafts, fashion, jewellery, home decor and the previously mentioned DIY step by step tutorials. On the image above I’m looking at a very interesting use of Popsicle sticks.

Get DIY Craft Step.

Also, have a look at 5 Free Websites to Get DIY Ideas.

DIY Craft

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DIY Craft has a wide range of DIY ideas. They cover everything from home decor (decorating the kids room) to simpler things like creating holiday decorations, like the one on the image above.

Interface and the menu that pops up after launching the app is very similar to the one offered by DIY Craft Step. When you actually open up a category, you’ll see a flippable gallery. Ideas are downloaded from the web, so it might take some time for all of them to load, especially if you’re on a slow connection.

Get DIY Craft.


From the list of DIY idea apps for Android above, the ones that I liked the most are DIY Craft Step and DIY Project Ideas by Doknow. I chose these two as my favorites because they offer lots of DIY ideas with instructions. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment down below.

Works With: Android
Free/Paid: Free

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