4 Online Limerick Poem Generator Free Websites

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Here, I cover 4 online limerick poem generator free websites. Using these sites, you can generate limerick poems just by entering random words. You don’t even need to signup for using poem generators. But before creating limerick poem let’s understand what kind of poem is this.

Limerick is a funny poem that contains five lines. The 1st, 2nd, and 5th line rhyme with each other and the 3rd and 4th line rhyme together. So the limerick rhyming pattern is AABBA.

In this blog post, I have four different poem generators. The first two generators are good to use. Here, you just need to add a few words and then hit the generate button. Then, the generator adjusts those words according to the limerick poem pattern. Whereas the third and fourth generator are similar to use. Also, you can use these poem generators as acrostic poem maker.

Let’s start using these limerick poem generators.

1. Poem Generator

Online Limerick Poem Generator

If you ever wish to create poems online then Poem Generator is the best website to use. Here, you can create poems online in different forms. You can make Limerick, Sonnets, Free verse, Haiku, Acrostic, Concrete, etc., types of poems.

To create a limerick poem online, you can go to Limerick section. There, you can select the person for whom you want to write a limerick. Below that, you can mention words in each box. You can also take help from suggestions. Doing so, you don’t need to write any word. The limerick poem generator itself fills random words. You can mention your name in the last so that the poem generates mentioning your name. After that, you can click on Write me a limerick button.

2. Poem Of Quotes

Online Limerick Poem Generator

Poem Of Quotes is a free online limerick poem generator. Using this site, you can create Limerick, Haiku, Acrostic, and other types of poem forms. You can create rhymes as well.

To make a limerick poem online, you need to select the topic such as man, woman, mouse, magician, etc. After choosing the main character of your poem, you can click on the Next Step. On the next step, you can mention what your character likes to do like dancing, jumping, etc. After following these two steps, you can click on the Generate Poem button. And after a few seconds, the generator prepares your limerick poem.

3. Poetry Games

Online Limerick Poem Generator

Poetry games is another free website where you can create poems of different forms. The site has a section named Poetry Machine. You can create different types of poems such as Limerick, Acrostic, Haiku, Quatrain and many more. Also make fun poems, for example, Phone number poem, Animal poem, ABC poem. Using this online poem generator, you can create free verse as well.

In order to create your own limerick poem, firstly, choose the title of the poem. Since the limerick poem is a five-line poem, so you can enter five words in each line that can be relatable to your limerick. After that, you can click the button below to view your limerick.

On the next step, you will see those five words which you have mentioned. If you wish then you can edit the words. Then, go to the next step and see your created limerick poem in the generator.

4. Annenberg Learner

Online Limerick Poem Generator

Annenberg Learner is another option to make online limerick poems. This educational site has a lot of stuff for children such as lesson plans, video programmes, subjects like mathematics, social science, etc.

The site does not let you create limerick poem but you can take ideas. As shown in the image above, there is a pattern of a limerick poem of five lines. The drop down has suggestions for words or phrase which you can choose. In this way, you can get the idea of making limerick poem within the pattern.

In brief

Limerick poems are fun to read. But creating them online with your own words is more fun. The above-mentioned limerick poem generators are very easy to use. Also, they provide you result of generated limerick poem in a few seconds.


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