See Marvel Order Timeline of Upcoming Movies on These 4 Free Websites

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Have you ever wondered how to watch the Marvel Movies in order and what types of order are available? One mode of viewing is in order of Chronological events that unfold in the Marvel universe while the other is way of watching them is on the order of the release date of each movie.

A lot of movie lovers are unaware of the fact that the era of Marvel Movies can be divided into two stages viz, Marvel Phase 0 which comprises of those movies which were released before the advent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and the present era that includes around 28 MCU movies which are again subdivided into multiple phases based on loosely linked stories and characters. MCU is the series of these American Superhero Movies produced by Marvel Studios based on all the characters that appear in the original and popular Marvel Comics.

A number of MCU movies are also slated for release this year and the next and it would be good to have complete information about them.

As you see, there is a lot of Logic involved in viewing the MCU films and below we have got a list of 4 Websites that will display the Timeline of the Upcoming Movies as well as a rundown of the order in which you could watch all of them.

1. MarvelOrder

This is one of the best websites that carries ample information about all the upcoming MCU Movies as well as the ones that have already been released. It presents all of this in the form of a beautiful Timeline. You can click on ‘Lists’ at the top of the page and change the order in which they appear in the timeline. One option is to display them in the order in which they should be viewed (chronological events) while the other is to view them in the order of their release date. There is also a provision to find out which movies were released before the start of the MCU venture (Phase 0).

You can click on the respective arrow marks and navigate the timeline from the earliest to the latest MCU movies including the Upcoming Ventures as well as those which are yet to be announced (TBA). You can also click on any of the movies presented in the timeline to read more about them, access links to watch them as well as further reading links pointing to the Movie Database.

Click here to navigate to MarverOrder and check it out for yourself.




2. Marvel Movie Timeline

This website displays the list of 23 MCU Movies in the Chronological Order of their events with information about the Year of Release. You can click on any of the IMDB links to read more about the movie, its characters, ratings, where to watch and more on the Internet Movie Database.

Unlike the previous website, there is no option to rearrange the timeline order of the movies as per the date of release etc. This website project is open source hence you can update the data easily to add any MCU movies that you feel are missing or incomplete.

Overall, this too is a good website if you want to see the order in which you should watch the MCU movies. Being open source, there is a provision for adding more movies and information easily.

Click here to visit this website.

To access the Source code, click here

Marvel Movie Timeline

3. The Straits Times MCU Graphic

This webpage from ‘The Straits Times’ gives you an beautiful interactive peek into the Timeline of MCU Movies based on their Chronological events, Phases and Movie Groups.

Just click on ‘Start’ and then click on ‘Movies’ to view the Timeline. You can then click on any of the options available at the top of the interactive peek to change the display order.

To rotate the interactive scene, you must hold and drag the Left mouse button whereas to Pan the scene you can hold and drag the Right mouse button. The mouse wheel can be used to zoom in and out of the interactive. Click on any of the movie icons read more about it.

Click here to access this Interactive

Straits Times Interactive1

Straits Times Interactive2

Straits Times Interactive3

4. Ceros Inspire Interactive

This is yet another beautiful timeline of MCU Movies by Ceros Inspire that displays the order in terms of their Year of Release as well as the Narrative of the movies. Click on the relevant link to change the order.

Unlike MarvelOrder, this website does not give any further information and reading such as description, characters, link to watch the movies and more.

To navigate to the Ceros MCU Interactive, click here



You can spend time browsing each of the above websites and then decide the order in which you wish to watch the Marvel Movies. The order based on the date of release will be the same but the order in which you can watch the movies may change from one website to another depending on the perception.

Free/Paid: Free

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