How to Verify that you are Chatting with a Real Human Being

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Captcharoo is a simple and secure web application to ensure that the person you are talking to or interacting with is a real human being and not a bot. The developers were stimulated to create this product when they came across an AI-powered bot called CupidBot that pretends to play the role of a human being on popular dating apps.

AI Based chat systems like ChatGPT and others have become extremely common in our daily lives, and you never know if the person you are interacting with is truly a human being or a machine. Captcharoo aims to fight against this AI-ification of communication by typing a secret phrase, locking it behind a captcha, sending the weblink across to the person with whom you are chatting and asking him / her to solve the captcha and state the phrase. If the phrase is correct, you can be satisfactorily sure that you are interacting with a human being, not a chatbot.

How it Works:

1. Navigate to Captcharoo using the link that we have provided at the end of this article.

2. Type your secret phrase or click on the Refresh icon towards the right to auto-generate random secret phrases.

Type secret phrase

3. Use the slider to set the time duration for the phrase to expire. The range is from 1 hour to 1 month.

4. Optionally, type your name and click on the Captcha to validate it.

Captcha validated

5. Click on ‘Lock’ at the bottom to lock the secret phrase. Next click on the ‘Copy’ icon to copy the weblink and send it across to the person with whom you are interacting to verify if it’s a chat bot or a human being.

Phrase locked

6. Instruct the person on the other side to navigate to the link that you shared, validate the captcha by clicking on it, unlock (solve) the phrase and read or send it to you.

Captcharoo shared

Phrase unlocked

7. If the phrase is the same that you had locked, you can be reasonably sure that the person in question is a real human being.

Final Thoughts:

Captcharoo is neat way to find out if you are chatting with a real human being or a bot. It can be used with confidence and conviction until there comes a day when Captchas too can be defeated by AI algorithms.

Click here to navigate to Captcharoo and perform a Proof of Humanity check as termed by the developers.

Free/Paid: Free

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