A Useless Website To Find More Useless Websites: The Useless Web

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I’m sure you guys must be thinking, “What in the hell is this?” after reading the title of this blog post. But no matter how funny and absurd it seems, there’s nothing wrong with the title. On the contrary, the website that’s the subject of this blog post might lead you to think whether there’s something even remotely right with it or not. Yeah, The Useless Web is a useless website to find more useless websites. No seriously, that’s all it does. All you have to do is go to The Useless Web, start clicking, and have fun as you’re taken from one useless website to another. From a website that just displays a blue box that does absolutely nothing, to one that teaches you the virtues of patience by just displaying an endlessly loading pointer, The Useless Web has got it all, and a hell of a lot more. Don’t believe me? Head past the break, and you will. And trust me, this is insanely fun!

theuselessweb in action

How To Use The Useless Web To Find More Useless Websites?

Well, the absurd titles just keep on coming, don’t they? Anyways, for a website that’s named The Useless Web and has a single point focus of helping you find more like it, there isn’t much when it comes to actually “using” it. Here’s what you see, once you navigate to The Useless Web:


As illustrated above, The Useless Web features a ridiculously minimal user interface. The only thing that it has are the big words saying, Take Me To Another Useless Website, Please. Apart from that, there’s just a footer that has links to share and tweet The Useless Web, and to contact the genius behind this thing. That’s just about it!

So how do you find useless websites with The Useless Web. Simply click on the “Please” button and you’ll be directed to an utterly pointless website that’ll open in a new tab. To find another one, do this again. And again. And keep on doing it till you get tired. The list is pretty much endless!

Here are a few gems, that you can find via The Useless Web. There are no explanations, as they are pretty much self explanatory. Have fun!

1. The Last Page Of The Internet

dotcom homepage

2. Ducks Are The Best


3. Eel Slap



The Useless Web is an incredibly useless website to find more useless websites. It’s silly, pointless, and an awesome way of killing some time. The fact that it treats you to one useless website after another, with each being more pointless than the preceding one makes it all the way more fun. So what are you waiting for? Go have some fun!

Try The Useless Web Here.

Free/Paid: Free

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Didn’t grab me.
Fun at first but got tired of it.
That has never happened with Stumbleupon.
Much more interesting.
But thanks for the opportunity to try The Useless Web.

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