Top Free Websites To Convert HTML To XML Online

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Here are top free websites to convert HTML to XML online. Some of these online converters also let you bulk convert HTML to XML and some lets you import files from cloud storage services.

Some of these converters are also useful for parsing purpose. Parse your HTML code to these converters and they generate blog/website template compatible XML code for you.

Check out these free websites to generate HTML Table online. You can easily convert HTML to PDF using these free software for Windows 10.

Here Are Top Free Websites To Convert HTML To XML Online:


FreeFileConvert is an online utility which offers free file converters along with various PDF tools. With its HTML to XML converter, you can convert your HTML file to XML. This converter has three input options to load the HTML file. You can upload the file from your local storage, import file from the Internet via URL or can load from a cloud storage. You can load up to 5 HTML files with combined size up to 100 MB for concurrent conversion.

FreeFileConvert: html to xml online

To convert your HTML file to XML, load your HTML file(s) to the convert, and select ‘xml‘ in the Output format drop-down. Then, click ‘Convert‘ button to convert HTML file(s) to XML files. This will convert your file(s) to XML and will give you link(s) to download the converted file(s) to your computer.

Convert HTML to XML Online here.


BeautifyTools is an online tool to convert programming code to another. It has an HTML to XML converter where you can load your HTML file and convert it to XML. You can load input HTML file via URL or can browse from your local storage. This converter has two text boxes side by side; one for the input file data and other for the output results. Load your HTML file to the converter and click the ‘Convert‘ button to generate equivalent XML code.

BeautifyTools: convert html to xml

This converter also has some useful options. You can easily arrange your code in proper format with code beautify and there are small buttons on each text box to easily select and copy the code. After the conversion, you can download the XML file to your computer.

NOTE: This converter only supports HTML files with tables.

Try BeautifyTools’ HTML to XML Converter here.


Knigulper is an online HTML to XML parser. You can easily convert your HTML code to XML here. Paste your HTML code in the text box and click the ‘Convert‘ button. It will replace your HTML code with converted XML code in the box. You can copy the XML code from there.

Knigulper: parse html to xml online

This converter also gives you following options to select regular or ampersand (“&”) parameters for your XML code:

  • convert & into &
  • convert into '
  • convert into "
  • convert < into &lt;
  • convert > into &gt;

Parse HTML to XML Online with Knigulper here.

Closing Words:

All these HTML to XML online converters are very good and reliable. You can use any of these to convert your HTML code to XML code. BeautifyTools is my favorite one; it shows you HTML and XML code side by side and also has options for code format.

Free/Paid: Free

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