Free Text to HTML Converter: MarkDownPad

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MarkDownPad is a free text to HTML converter that lets you convert text to HTML. You can just write simple text, and use built-in tools to format the text. MarkDownPad will then convert that text to HTML that you can export, and publish anywhere.

MarkDownPad is a nice tool for writers who need to publish their articles online, but are not well versed with HTML. This text to HTML software lets them concentrate on writing, and just use formatting options as they would normally use. When they are done with everything, it gives one click option to export text as HTML.


MarkDownPad comes with a nice “Live Preview” option. As you write, it will keep showing the HTML format of the article on the Right side. You can swithch off HTML preview any time (if it becomes too distracting).

How to Download and Install this Free Text to HTML converter:

  • Go to the website of MarkDownPad, and click on Download button. This will download MarkDownPad to your computer. The download size is less than half MB.
  • Double click on the downloaded file to start installation. At the time of installation, it will download some more files from the web (around 1.5 MB). The installation finishes quickly.
  • After that, you can start using MarkDownPad on your computer, and convert text to HTML.

How to Convert Text to HTML:

  • It is quite easy to convert text to HTML with MarkDownPad. Just open MarkDownPad, and start writing the text as you normally use. While writing, you can use formatting options available in the toolbar to bold text, italic, underline, list, bullet, etc. You can also use common keyboard shortcuts to format text (like, Ctrl +B to Bold text).
  • As you write, MarkDownPad will show you the HTML version of the text on the Right side. This is live preview of your text.
  • Once you are done writing, just go to the “File” menu, and click on “Export HTML”. This will export your text in HTML format, and will save in a file that you specify.

Also check out some other HTML editor that we reviewed earlier, like, AceHTML, and Kompozer.

Features of Free Text to HTML Software:

MarkDownPad comes with many nice features.

  • It comes with a “Distraction Free Mode” option. This option opens MarkDownPad in a full screen mode, so that you can just concentrate on writing, without getting distracted by background windows.
  • MarkDownPad comes with an option to render HTML in browser. So, before you even export HTML, you can use this option to see how your text will look in a browser.
  • Some of the tools provided by MarkDownPad include Bold, Italic, Blockquote, H1, H2, Hyperlink, Insert Image, Code, copy HTML, Bulleted List, horizontal rule, convert text to uppercase, convert text to lowercase, Insert timestamp.
  • It comes with a built-in CSS Editor to edit CSS of generated HTML.

I really like MarkDownPad as a free text to HTML converter. It is quite simple to use, very small in size, and totally free.

Download MarkDownPad free.

Works With: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Free/Paid: Free

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